The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Deadman's picture

Hating hypocrisy

I can't stand hypocrites. (Of course, I'm pretty sure I have some hypocritical beliefs, and I can stand myself, so I guess that makes me a hypocrite twice over).

But seriously, a little consistency when it comes to opinions is all I ask for.  Unfortunately, hypocrisy is everywhere. So before numbness to its existence permanently sets in, I wanted to express my outrage at two examples of hypocrisy that strike me as particularly galling.

1) Pro-choice folks who believe prostitution should be illegal (usually feminists).

Deadman's picture

Pessimism doesn't pay ...

My dad is an eternal optimist, one of those turn-lemons-into-lemonade people. And yeah, it sometimes annoys the living shit out of me.

I am, after all, an in-the-long-run-we're-all-dead type of guy, a devout half-empty man (I'd call myself an eternal pessimist, but I don't believe anything lasts forever :) )

Deadman's picture

Bubbling black - revisited ...

Time for a short self-congratulatory post (For if I don't do it, who will?).

Right before the Fourth of July, I wrote that the price of oil was a bubble waiting to be pricked and nearing a short-term top. In the past three weeks, the price of oil has fallen by about $20 bucks a barrel, or almost 15 percent, a huge move by any standard. In terms of daily closing prices, July 3rd ended up being the exact top.

Deadman's picture

If Obama was an alien, that would explain a lot ...

So last Tuesday Larry King interviews Barack Obama and then three days later, he does a show debating the existence of UFOs. It's fucking nutty. (King, who i just found out has done these shows for years, apparently wants to be the first broadcaster to interview an alien).

Deadman's picture

Positively posthumous ...

My mom's mom was far from the best person in the world (This is not the grandmother I discussed a couple weeks ago). She held grudges and often spoke ill of others, including family. She was racist. She belittled and insulted my grandfather, only becoming the dutiful, loving wife after he had a massive stroke and lacked the capacity to resist her will.

Deadman's picture

The producing class ...

So as I see it, in this world, you are either a producer or a consumer.

Obviously, everyone does both to a certain extent, just as everyone is probably a little gay, but in the end, you lean mostly one way or the other. You're either adding to society or taking from it (and having children doesn't count cuz you're just as likely to raise a bunch of consuming monsters as you are the next Leonardo da Vinci).

Deadman's picture

Ah, perfection: It comes with a price ...

So the other day I was talking to a softball teammate who's about to get married, and we were discussing why more and more people in their 30s and 40s - at least in New York - seem okay with the prospect of staying single. I know that many of these older bachelors and bachelorettes want children and I'd have to think that few of them relish the prospect of aging without a constant, dependable companion and lover. Yet they can't seem to find the one worth taking the ultimate plunge.

Deadman's picture

You can't force compassionate capitalism (or 'My BuschInBev is fine. How's your pikken?') ...

As a native St. Louisan who always feels some sort of odd civic pride whenever those clever beer commercials end with a dude intoning 'Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri,' I know I'm supposed to be upset about the recent acquisition by Belgium-based InBev. Yet I can't muster any passion over the loss of the historic brewer and one of my hometown's few remaining independent corporate behemoths (TWA, McDonnell Douglass, Ralston Purina all bit the dust long ago).

Deadman's picture

Fireflies and Mondays ...

Ah, Mondays. Always such an unpleasant beast, a day only meant for enduring and muddling through in the best of circumstances, but sometimes gearing up for the workweek feels particularly difficult. I've just finished a relaxing weekend and I'm struggling to find my motivation mojo right now.

My weekend was enjoyably capped yesterday by my adorable three-year-old cousin's birthday party, followed by a few fun sets of tennis with my brother, all done under perfect midsummer weather and in a Riverdale park that brought back memories of my Midwestern suburban upbringing.

Deadman's picture

A few of my favorite things ...

So the IPhone is out today and I'm itching to get my hands on one (even though I'd rather stay with T-Mobile, which has awesome customer service, especially when compared to my nightmarish memories of AT&T Wireless). I'm going to wait a bit to get the phone to try and avoid some of the launch madness, but the device certainly has strong potential to end the year as my favorite thing of 2008. In the meantime, I decided to share some of the stuff I'm really enjoying right now, as well as some of the things that are on my nerves.




TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryPlease fire Linehan ... Deadman016 years 2 months ago
Blog entryLinehan has coached his second-to-last game Deadman016 years 2 months ago
Blog entryThe ties that bind ... Deadman016 years 2 months ago
