The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts


​Cross posted from Dennie's Blog


In the Arab countries this summer, while hundreds of thousands of young people were risking their lives for a better future, 200 teenagers gathered in Boston for a one-day conference on handling etiquette for breakups on Facebook. They were advised, among other marketed uses of the technology, how to quickly update their relationship status following severed affairs, to avoid the “awkwardness” of face-to-face breakups.


Crossposted from Dennie's Blog

Everyone is a Hero, merely by the fact of having been born. The hero’s shape, however,  is largely up to each ordinary individual when found under extraordinary conditions. In contrast is the idea of a role model—imitating another’s behavior. The media offers an opportunity to expand our notions, or by the same token, to firm up our preconceptions.



cross posted from Dennie's Blog


I Stayed

By Linda Mutch  3/2/2011 [email protected]


Not knowing what love is, I accepted the proposal.

Not feeling desire, I accepted, I married.

The picture was safe, not demanding, not loud. Predictable, quiet-all foreign.


cross posted from Dennie's Blog


So rang out a headline on the front page of the New York Times, followed by a full page story. What was talk? And why didn't it pay? As it unfolded, the exposé concerned the shift from what we once knew as psychotherapy—"talking therapy"—to medications. 

Social Learning in a National Tragedy.

In my postEmpathy in Politics” (November 5, 2010), I reiterated the lack of empathy that others had noted in the President: “Empathy . . .


So now we know the culprits of the holiday blizzard: weatherman Pat Robertson, with his direct cellphone line to God, revealed that it was his punishment to Americans who were planning to attend some gay event! The Eastern flight snarl, furthermore, would prevent them from attending until it was over. And straights, get this: "I think God probably wonders, if these people are really straight, then what are they doing in New York?"

Narcissism. Stealing a look into the unconscious.

The term Narcissism got a bad rap from the beginning when Freud published his classical paper on the subject in 1915.

Barbarism, American Style


crossposted at

The New Year will see California all set for an execution. Nothing new, even though five federal court judges argue that Kevin Cooper was framed by the police. Aside from guilt or innocence, the verdict again raises the issue of the death penalty.

Invisible Man


In living rooms and public places, 

In street and square, in church, 

You may freely come and go-- 

Stroll, loiter and pray, 

Just as long as you behave 

Just as long as you remain 

A presence to yourself alone. 

Reasonable people all agree 

The rule must be applied: 

"Don't ask, don't tell," 

Don't advertise. Be invisible! 

Oh, be invisible when you walk 

among us. 

Don't stand out. 



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