The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Straight outta Brooklyn-The revenge of the Trots

No, this is not some variation on Montezuma's Revenge-this is about today's special election to replace Anthony "I got a package for you right here, little lady" Weiner.

Turner, the Repugnant is outpolling Weprin, the Dem in a district taken 55% by Obama.

Meanwhile,  a Socialist Workers Party candidate, Chris Hoeppner, is polling at 4% in the PPP survey.

This is, in other words, Bush/Gore/Nader redux.

jollyroger's picture

Deconstruction-leave it to a linguist to do it right

Noam Chomsky shows (yet again) why he is our premier public intellectual nonpareil:


jollyroger's picture

Proud to be Black, proud to hate...

A furor has arisen in my (temporary) neighborhood of Brooklyn, which has given rise to a personal discombobulation.  

jollyroger's picture

Iceland-way smarter than we are...

When last we looked in on the plucky folk of Iceland, they were about to vote whether to take on roughly $6,000 per person by way of making whole the governments of other countries who, in turn, had made whole their own citizens who lost money when Iceland's banks went belly up.

jollyroger's picture

State of Siege

Emergencies can be national in scope and existential in impact (like the Civil War, which prompted Lincoln to take emergency measures including suspending Habeas Corpus (parenthetically, now that Bill Clinton has eviscerated The Great Writ, no one would bother to formally suspend its operation), or geographically and temporally limited, if profound in impact (Katrina).

They have several characteristics common to all, however.

jollyroger's picture

Obama "Agonistes"--shoo-in for the 2011 Fortney

Update in bold

The last vestige of self respect has been stripped.  This guy is hapless and hopeless.  I pray that he is being blackmailed, because otherwise he is the worst kind of punk. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

jollyroger's picture

RETURN TO BROOKLYN (and the name is Karin) HAIKU


jollyroger's picture

Wisconsin Judge cops to battery granted temporary insanity pass.(update) Prosser:" My shit don't stink"

William ("I don't need no stinkin' recusal") Prosser, who squeaked back into the Wisconsin Supreme Court in his recent election contest, has been granted a "pass" based, I suppose, upon the awesome discretion that our system grants to the prosecuting attorney in any criminal investigation.

Basically presenting a defense that should properly be the subject of jury deliberation, Prosser confessed to committing a non-consensual touching (the crime of battery) on  Ann Walsh Bradley, a fellow Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice.

jollyroger's picture

Underwater mortgages (1 in 4). How deep underwater? We're talkin' Marianas Trench

We have become more or less inured to the horrific statistics that comprise the foreclosure meltdown follies.  One mortgage in four underwater, no equity left for the homeowner as far as the eye can see, vast swaths of Detroit given up for dead, etc.

jollyroger's picture

Curfew Shall not Ring Tonight!

Stories of the successful interposition of bodies between the law and its intended victims are few and far between.

To encourage the valuable practice of civil disobedience, and to commemorate a 16 year old girl's astounding poem let us pause and pay our respects to 

Common Law.

Mary Lee Ward is 82.  She was the victim of a classic predatory lender Delta Funding.


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