The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Imus discussion on Meet the Press...

I suffer from insomnia, and on some sleepless occasions, disgusted with the "cute news" with the O'Brians on CNN, I'd turn the tv to the Imus show - it aired between 2:30AM and 6AM on the West coast. There were...

Palestinian Unity Prime Minister Haniyeh (Hamas) on C-Span

C-Span will be carrying a speech by Ismail Haniyeh, Prime Minister, Palestinian Authority, Hamas Party. He'll be speaking about the new coalition government. The program will be aired on C-Span1 on Wed. March 21 at 6:09 AM EDT, and lasts...

U.S., Iraq propose diplomatic talks w/ Iran, Syria AND New Iraqi oil law

This new change seems to indicate an abrupt about face in U.S. policy. It's about time that the Bush administration started heeding the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, but it remains to be seen whether this will be a...

Niger Yellowcake story revisited by Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair has published a new article, by Craig Unger, that brings the buried Niger yellowcake story back into the limelight. And the light seems to be shining, once again, on Michael Ledeen, although there still is no proof of...

Another inconvenient truth...about us.

I've been feeling a bit down the last few days. It's not because of things going on in my personal life, really, although I do have some stressful things going on right now. No, the reason for my dark mood...

Shameful New Right Wing Smear Campaign Against Jimmy Carter

CNN is currently broadcasting ads for a campaign to urge Congress to censure former President and Nobel Peace Prize-winning humanitarian Jimmy Carter. Sponsored by the right wing group, Move America Forward (MAF), which has also sponsored several other anti-liberal campaigns,...

The Israel Lobby Revisited: Mearshimer and Walt Respond

As most everyone here at TPM Cafe is probably aware, a little over a month ago there was a controversial paper published in the London Review of Books (LRB). I'm referring, of course, to the Israel Lobby paper, written by...

Delay Won't Seek Re-election

Former House Minority Leader Tom Delay will announce tomorrow that he will not be seeking re-election. There is a April 3 New York Times article about the decision. But even more interesting is the Knight Ridder article, published today, which...


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