The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Fearlessly Friendly Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon




    Here's this week's heap of haikus:


    Remembrance of war
    a flag of the rising sun
    will be going home.


    I saw a report on CBS Sunday Morning about families of American WWII vets connecting with Japanese families through the return of precious mementos acquired during the war, specifically, Japanese flags.  My father brought one of those flags back and my sister got it out and contacted the group.  They responded immediately, so we will see if they can find the soldier to whom the flag originally belonged.







    Taking a short break,
    I enjoy the oak tree's shade,
    Sipping lemonade.





    A neighbor challenged me to come up with an entry for an "Avocado haiku contest"  ... This is all I could come up with ... so far.


    Avocados are
    more than the color of mom's

    Avocados are
    self-pollinating, so they
    sneeze all by themselves.

    Alligator pears,
    (or avocados), can make
    my guacamole.








    Misunderstanding …
    One of the key elements
    of all comedy.

    (This video just makes me laugh. From 1971, The Lawrence Welk Show performs "One Toke Over the Line" with absolutely no understanding of what the lyrics really mean... )






    Dawn of a new age,
    with a little help from friends.
    Good morning, Beatles!

    June 1, 1967 - The Beatles released their 8th album - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band







    One thing will calm us,
    a premise with promise ... (or
    so said Saint Thomas.)






    Marty and Doc Brown
    always seem to have ways of
    showing up in time.






    triple haiku:


    A parent's passing
    is more than a sad event,
    it's the end of youth.

    For we've lost the path
    our parents made for us and
    now must walk our own.

    For some, youth will end
    too early, others, too late.
    No path guaranteed.







    Purgatory; a
    place for the not good enough
    and the not so bad.









    Cold and rainy nights,
    comfort the lonely, who shed
    most tears un-noticed.










    'Nothing up my sleeve' ...
    By that, a magician means,
    'Don't look down my pants.'







    Our hearts are widest
    when we put aside our thoughts
    and let ourselves feel.







    Sun’s up, day’s begun.
    What’s to come will not be fun.
    Letting go is hard.






    Near a coral reef,
    they snorkled with some friends
    they met at the spa.








    His toy soldiers were
    lying in the lawn; battle
    called due to bedtime.







    June 3rd is national donut day!!


    Don't forget!!  Today
    is National Donut Day!
    (The glazed look's on me.)

    In a cup of Joe
    dunk a day old sinker,  lest
    cruller be crueler.






    haiku quartet:

    Tennessee Whiskey
    smoothly trickles down my throat,
    savoring swallows.


    Backwoods honky-tonk,
    Woman in a short blue dress,
    watches me get drunk.


    I get up to leave
    she gets up to see me go
    in that short blue dress.


    Sittin’ in my armchair
    thinkin’ ’bout that short blue dress …
    Shoulda married her.






    "Where are my slippers?!''
    The old man shouts to the world ...
     His wife merely points.







    Shyly, she smiles.
    In her face, I find comfort.
    Some hope resides there.







    On a humid morn,
    a puppy tugs at his leash,
    Birds pause, then fly off.







    Calico kittens,
    will romp with gingham puppies,
    in her childhood dreams.








    If you syncopate
    a fascinatin’ rhythm,
    will you strike a chord?






    Collapsed in a heap,
    yet … she watches warily
    as the cat stalks her.









    Love's a stagnant pool,
    fetid depths remain murky,
    drinking, hazardous.










    Candle-lit cabin
    on a ship that sails the seas,
    Captain studies maps.









    tanka haiku:



    My cleaning lady,
    back from vacation, last year,
    claimed she'd seen the Pope.

      So adored, in Ecuador ...
       t'was the Holy See she saw.







    Will you ever wake?
    Or will you dream forever?
    Will you ever know?










    My Siamese cat
    sits at the window, and stares
    at distant mountains.







    (a haiku quartet:)


    The boys had many
    nicknames while workin' the streets;
    Kebab and Gyro,


    Were two of them, but
    Souvlaki Sue and Hortense,
    would make them famous.


    Posing as "trannies"
    was not their idea of fun ...
    then they met, Angel.


    And Angel showed them
    a world they had never known,
    and arrests were made.







    Summer Stock-ku:

    When acting in barns
    laughter in the rafters comes
    with the whole gestalt.









    little speckled birds
    clinging to branches that sway
    in the morning breeze.









    Loose litter swirling
    through the canyons of midtown;
    Urban tumbleweeds.








     Driving blue highways,
    seeking out less traveled roads,
    small town life endures.









    Pull back from anger
    Try to find joy in living
    or ... flash-mob yourself.






    It's time we got back to this kind of mob rather than the kind at Trump rallies ...:









    Comedy heroes;
    often few and far between
    Fred Allen was one.


    Happy Would-have-been 122th birthday on May 31st, to one of my all-time comedy favorites, the legendary radio comedian Fred Allen. This is a rare video of him guest-starring on Jack Benny's TV show in 1953.






    On the fourth of June ...
    Billy Jo of Choctaw Ridge,
    booked for homicide.



