The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    An Historical Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon




    Here's this week's heap of haikus:




    double haiku:

    Sunday's Father's Day.
    I wish I could celebrate,
    instead of just mourn.

    My dad left too soon
    and yet ...after all these years,
    I still feel his love.


    Photo#1: My dad, me and my sister circa 1954.
    Photo#2: Me and my dad circa 1951










    tanka haiku:


    Leafy canopies
    Riding up Riverside Drive
    Sunset through the trees.

       The world looks like a painting,
       without either cares or fears.






    Seeing photos of
    my father acting silly
    always warms my heart.


    (My dad at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1942.)

    Alternate version:

    Looking at photos
    of my dad acting silly
    makes me laugh ... and cry.









    When you feel alone,
    Remember, feeling alone,
    is quite popular.








    Troubles never last,
    Like cream poured into coffee,
    They'll soon swirl away.






    Panoramic sky
    We drive into the future
    chasing after clouds.






    The sun arrives to
    softly muted trumpets and
    leaves to violins.



    (photo courtesy Kristina Rebelo)






    double haiku:


    June of 1215,
    King signs the Magna Carta
    Runnymede was made.

    "Oh", laments King John,
    What is the world coming to?
    Revoltin' peasants!"



    (On June 15th, 801 years ago, King John signed the Magna Carta )




    Rhapsodic Romance;
    our souls dance joyfully to
    our heart's cantatas.


    Skirmish to Sortie;
    When Birdland flies off to War ...
    Cue the Pelicans.


    (Photo courtesy of Kristina Rebelo)






    tanka haiku:


    From her widow's walk,
    she gazed at the horizon,
    hoping to catch sight

    of sails from her husband's ship
    returning from its voyage.





    Watergate break-in
    a second rate burglary.
    Nixon knew it all.


    (June 17, 1972 ... White House operatives are arrested for burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex.)





    Pretending we'll meet,
    each time I turn a corner
    makes me walk faster.





    He's close enough to
    stare, and old enough to know
    what's worth staring at.





    To be committed
    is to fly through each sunset
    in search of the dawn.






    Sitting quietly,
    a Beatles tune in my head,
    I yearn for lost loves.






    Lunch with an old friend;
    laughter at shared history,
    tears for tomorrow.













    Laurel & Hardy
    escalating anarchy
    another fine mess.



    (Happy 126th would-have-been birthday this week to comedy legend, Stan Laurel.)







    On Bunker hill, there
    is a monument for a  
    fight fought on Breed's hill.

    (June 17, 1775 - The battle of Bunker Hill ... which actually took place on and around Breed's Hill ... But never mind that.)






    When I was younger
    I feared I'd become my dad
    I did and I am.

    Many years have passed and I've
    learned I had nothing to fear.










    The nun flashed a grin
    when I said it must have been
    Jesus's lunchbox






    haiku quintet:


    Ripping a heart out
    isn't hard.  We are fragile
    We cry easily.

    Even when the pain
    that we feel is not our own
    We cry easily.

    and we tend to bleed,
    our vulnerability
    apparent to all

    we know our weakness
    is ev'ryone's weakness ... yet
    we can't stop loving.

    For Love imbues us
    with the stuff we need so that
    we cry easily.






    Sitting in my yard,
    watching the moon peeking out,
    from behind storm clouds.






    The huddled masses,
    enlightened by Liberty
    shall cast off their chains.


    This week in 1885, The Statue of Liberty arrived in the United States. (Some assembly required.)


    “Okay, let’s begin.
    Insertez-vous tab A?!  Damn!
    The plans are in FRENCH!”





    A shuttered cottage.
    Dust settles on empty chairs.
    Sunlight peeks through shades







    a tangerine sky,
    clouds that haunt the horizon,
    lure me into night.




    Alone at Midnight,
    Walking through old neighborhoods,
    Searching for my past.






    By a waterfall,
    The lovers had a picnic,
    all the food got wet.







    If this train runs right,
    I will see my gal tonight.
    My heart leads me home.

    (Thanks and a tip of the hat to Woody Guthrie for most of the words to this one.)






    No-one was at home,
    A note slipped under the door,
    'Sorry 'bout the tree.'







    A stone partition
    never stops my neighbor's dog
    from barking at me.


















    I write some stuff and nobody reads it. hahahah

    ​I hope you show up tomorrow.

    Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace...








    Yes spring had sprung and

    Now summer is upon us

    And life just goes on.

    Another year flows

    And , is the glass half empty?

    Why's life so offal?

    But I have awoke

    To a new world this day

    And I am alive


    We talk about virtual worlds.

    I cannot erase from my memory this guy who called out to me on some chat site years ago.

    I do not want to die in the bathroom alone.

    He said

    And then he attempted this athletic based hope for survival.

    It was incredible to witness.

    But, he died.

    And yet we are all going to die, in the end.

    That is what 'end' means.

    I have no idea why I am writing this.


    Ha, is all I got.

    But I love your blogs

    keep on keepin on for Chrissakes

    I do not know why but this song came to me suddenly, as it were


    Thanks, DD.  Don't feel bad. nobody reads my stuff either, evidently.  Maybe nobody reads anything anymore.   I think we may just be in an odd point in time, where a lot of people, for various reasons are scared and uncertain.  So scared and uncertain about the future that all they can do is sit and wait for it.  Immobilized as a career choice.  Ha!  We sit and watch the news play out while feeling rudderless and without a paddle.  Maybe we just need to jump in and start swimming ... unless we drown.  D'OH!!    Well, forget I mentioned the whole thing.

    P.S.  I love Suite Judy Blue Eyes.   When I was in college, it was one of my favorite albums to get stoned to listen to in my dorm room.