David Seaton's picture

    A photo for Quinn... ¡Olé!

    Bullfighting: don't knock it if you haven't tried it.

    Yesterday in Madrid's San Isidro cycle of corridas de toros.


    Dogfighting: Fun for the whole family ... except maybe Fido.

    Cockfighting: Eat mor chikin

    I hereby render unto Emma the Dayly Snap-Shot of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, rendered to all of her from all of me. hahhaha

    love conquers all.


    "Mmmm...I love zebra for dinner."  (We need to teach you about love, Pug?)   Innocent


    Bullshitting: even a good blogger can learn from the best.

    Bullfighting is one of the fine arts. Ask Picasso, ask Goya, ask Hemingway... for starters.


    Apparently, there was a pretty good Jewish bullfighter, I think named Franklin who hailed from Philadelphia, if I recall correctly. I read about him in Michener's Iberia.

    Sydney Franklin, friend  of Hemingways's

    A guy on holiday in Spain goes into a restaurant. While deciding what he wants to eat he catches the waft of a delightful smell. He sees another diner eating a huge meal which looks absolutely delicious.

    He asks a waiter what the dish is. The waiter tells him that is bull testicles in a special wine and herb sauce. When he asks the waiter for a serving he is told that there is none left but if he were to come back the following day after the bullfights there would be more available.

    The following day he returns to and true to his word the waiter presents him with a meal which is n utter delight. However one thing puzzles him so he calls over the waiter and asks why the portion was so much smaller than the one he saw the previous day

    To which the waiter replied." Sometimes senor the bull wins”

    That is a really good joke, but doesn't translate very well because, actually no matter what happens to the matador, the bull always dies.

    The art of Bullfighting...bunny style.

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