The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Rickroll revival? Never say never.

    somebody remastered the "Never going to give you up" tape and it's looking like some Gen Z folks are intrigued

    color n i were talking abt this video and
    ... whys rick astley looking kinda hot

    — beepster (@beepbonkers) February 18, 2021


    Reviving Woody & Mia

    "According to Mia, she promptly brought Dylan to a doctor. He reported it to the police. Then all hell broke loose. "

    But that's not what happened. Mia took her to a doctor. Dylan didn't make any accusation against Woody. The doctor examined her and found no evidence of physical abuse. He did not report anything to the police. Then Mia spent hours making the video. Either she helped Dylan feel comfortable talking about the sexual encounter or she coached her into saying what Mia wanted. When there was a second doctor visit after making the video Dylan reported the sexual encounter and it was then reported.

    There is so few articles that tell  the whole story. Like this one, they leave out evidence and parts of the story to support which ever side the author is on.

    You saw the 2nd article, right?

    Sure. I'm not claiming you're taking sides and spinning the story to support your side. You posted a link from both sides. I don't have HBO atm so I can't watch the movie but from what I've read about it it's not really a documentary but a telling of the story from Mia's side.

    Let's say I'm skeptical of the Mia side, it's funny all the condemnation of Wooody's penchant for young girls while glossing over Mia's penchant for much older men, yes Ronan looks sired by Sinatra, and yes it's odd to think of the phobic Woody going to the attic to do anything, going for 20-year-olds or whatever is far from molesting 7-year-olds, and a relationship that lasts 30 years is obviously not just a perverse fling. I think it's irresponsible to keep pushing out these stories without having something new to justify.

    But the one thing that makes me wonder is, how come Woody never put Rick Astley in any of his films? It just doesn't add up.

    It would be fine to rehash it if this was a documentary and the definitive story in all it's complexity. But it appears to be just another rehash of the Mia version. And I'm skeptical of that version too.

    Ok, I'm an idiot but this story keeps pulling me in.

    Here's a long pretty interesting interview with Soon-Yi, including early hard life in Korea, and just a kind of weird but not that weird character study and how we respond to events (did Bill & Hillary break up when the paparazzi came?), and below an interesting comment from a former many that splits the difference quite nicely.

    Now I'm going to go watch the Polanski documentary my wife gave me - though I think made in Europe, so will be much more focused on the art and recent films.



    I was one of the many nannies that lived with Mia and the 5 children when Mia was making back to back films with Mr. Allen and in a loving relationship with him.   I find it interesting that people are still reading and responding to the article years later.  I came across the article today while clearing out some old magazines and felt compelled to write my own thoughts on the subject.   In my brief time in that role and learning later of what happened after I left having stayed in contact with the nanny who lived on the same floor as we did I, I wasn’t surprised by learning that Soon-Yi was now taking over the nannies job.   Mia was both loving and living in a reality different than the average person lives in.   She was unrealistic and not tuned in to the real needs of the complex role of mother or parent.  She did what she believed was the best way to raise children.  None of us can know what it was like to be raised in Hollywood by two very talented and famous parents in the 40’s and 50’s.  I only learned a few stories from Mia’s sister Prudy.  Today we might view it as remote parenting, void of the realities of family life that in any normal family is a mix of chaos, problem solving, love, worries, role modeling, discipline, intimacy, etc.   The picture I took from Mia’s sister was void of any of that, it was a very formal relationship.  Mia was neglectful in ways my parents or my friends parents never would have been of her children’s needs but she was also providing a safe home with good food etc.   I also believe Soon-Yi and I can’t imagine how any one could believe Mr. Allen of doing harm to anyone let alone his adopted child.  Mia was both kind to me and treated me with respect and also vindictive when I had to leave the position.   I was there during the good times, after she lost the last nanny and put Soon-Yi in charge I can picture the upset that any single mother who is living on a budget in an expensive city having to maintain an image of success alone, now with seven children. Not easy.   Parents can be both wonderful and abusive.   It’s unfortunate that the children had to be part of something that should have remained private and not in the public domain for our entertainment.  

    The Lewinsky dilemma vs feminism

    (when is it ok to sleep with your boss, and if a he, does he take all the blame?)

    Here it's assumed that Woody Allen had the bank to destroy Farrow's career Harvey Weinstein-style. But this is a bit hard to believe, because a) Woody. only greenlighted his own films, b) he was making niche low-budget films, c) New York as film hub is tiny as compared to Hollywood, and d) Mia obviously came with her own connections,. from star parents to Frank Sinatra & Andre Previn as spouse, and she headlines in 4 movies plus TV and voiceovers not long after their breakup (not that she went in for high budget films like Meryl Streep or Julia Roberts, much less Angelina Jolie or Demi Moore). Her son Ronan obviously did well on the wrong side of Woody as well.

    So why a woman-as-victim documentary & exposé?


    (originally posted by ocean-kat on Fri, 03/05/2021 - 12:46pm)

    Over the past 30 years, “Manhattan,” in which Mr. Allen cast himself as Isaac Davis, a middle-aged writer dating a high-school student, has repeatedly come up for moral evaluation. We are back there again, on the occasion of a new four-part HBO documentary, “Allen v. Farrow.



    I'm not going to get into a moral debate over the content of the movie. In fact generally  I disagree with making films depicting relations between teen girls and older adult men, But the author talks like this content is unusual and reveals something about Allen and the accusation of child abuse. It's just not all that unusual even in this day and age. I recently watched Switched at Birth on netflix and the teen girls in the show a few times get involved with older adult men. It's an hour long show that first aired in 2011 that ran for 5 years so there's quite a bit of content and no controversy over the story lines of these teen girl/adult male relationships.

    She was 20-21 at the start by what's written in her birth certificate, but as an adopted immigrant not completely certain 

    Another round - that train?

    (episode 3 of 4 - did anyone devote this much time to Trump crimes?)

    Moses and Allen have written that there was no electric train in the attic, and Allen has said that the attic allegation was inspired by a song by Dory Previn, whose husband André left her for Mia in 1970. With My Daddy in the Attic is about incest and molestation and features lyrics such as “Door closed on Mama … / With my Daddy in the attic / That is where my dark attraction lies.” (This song appears on the same album as Dory Previn’s notorious song, Beware Young Girls, which was about Farrow’s affair with André.)

    The police drawing suggests Dylan was telling the truth. However, Robert B Weide, a director and friend of Allen, has blogged in response to the series that a nanny in the household testified at the time that there was a train set kept up there – not a small electric one, but a chunky plastic train the children would sit on and ride. So in other words, everyone is right and also wrong: a train was stored up there, as Dylan said, but not an electric one that could have circled the track, as Moses and Allen said. It’s a point that sums up so many of the grey areas to this case, and yet another one that Ziering and Dick denote instead as black and white.

    Back to Rick (not that I mind a sub-thread on Woody)--I think it could be because he's a lot like KPop?

    Sex & drugs & kids Rickroll is very good to me

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