The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Earthquake in VA MD DC

    I felt a small vibration around 9 AM this morning, like a big truck was near the building. My nearest coworker thought I was tapping my foot. That was apparently the 3.6 quake that Dickday posted about.

    Update: We heard it again this morning. The guy that parks right below my desk must have gotten a diesel.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Palin's Goal: Looking for the DQ

    Although it's been crowded out by actual news, there's been another uptick of interest in whether or not Sarah Palin will attempt to run for president.

    Donal's picture

    The Quiz and the Experiment

    The Quiz

    We love our Dark and Stormy night writing contests, but the New Yorker points to a Bulwer or Dickens quiz that is a lot harder than it sounds:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Libya: That Was Quick

    The Libyan revolution is coming to a rapid end, although there is fighting left to do. Twenty-seven weeks ago, Muammar Qadhafi's armed forces fired on peaceful protestors across Libya. Today, he's in hiding, and a rebel army that didn't exist six months ago, combined with NATO's air power, has managed to take control of most of the country.

    Let me point out a basic truth: that was really fast.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: The Worst Writer Ever, Abercrombie's scam, and the Eagle Has Landed


    A few weeks ago, when I wrote about the Bulwer-Lytton contest for the worst first sentence of a novel, I had no idea there was actually a worst novel in the world, too.  The consensus, from what little research I've done on the subject, is that Amanda McKittrick Ros is the author who wins, hands down.  (A literary group that included Tolkien and C.S.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Dividing My Books

    This summer I've moved house three times. My job and my partner are in two different states, a common problem for my generation of college professors. I count myself lucky that our jobs are only a few hundred miles apart, which means the highway and not the airport. But keeping a one-person apartment in each place has stopped making sense, so we've bought a house in one city and rented a professional's bachelor pad, a short walk from my office, in the other. Voila!

    Donal's picture

    An Experiment Gone Awry

    There's a famine in Somalia, and the World Bank has issued another stern warning about global food prices. Asia Sentinel admits concerns, but their headline reads, Global Food Crisis Fears Abate:

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Tax The Poor!

    The media is so allergic to common sense these days that nobody has reported on the obvious implications of the Republican complaint that nearly half of Americans had no income tax liability in 2010.  Republicans want to raise taxes on the poor.  This is the subject of my column in The Daily this week.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The California Preview

    So, the Iowa Straw Poll went overwhelmingly to candidates who would have been considered fringe last time around, with Michelle Bachmann and Ron Paul combining for something like 55% of the vote. Some Democrats are taking this as consolation, on the theory that even if Obama is vulnerable the Republicans will nominate someone too extreme to beat him.

    Donal's picture

    "True" Cost of 2011 Cars

    Edmunds has released their lowest true cost to own (TCO) list for 2011:
