The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Hacking, Phreaking, Carding and ... Leaking?

    WikiLeaks is still hot, and the top story at the New Republic today is Game Changer - Why Wikileaks will be the death of big business and big government. Noam Scheiber predicts that WikiLeaks will both survive and will shrink overbearing organizations until they are no longer Big Anything.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Whiny, Whiny, Centrists

    The mushy middle has spoken and the bipartisanship that we saw during the extraordinarily productive lame duck congressional session just won’t do.  Yes, that’s right.  The very people who have been agitating for both parties to “reach across the aisle” are not happy with the way in which it was done.

    Ramona's picture

    The Quiet Joy of Christmas

    December 25, Christmas Day, is reserved by Christians as the day they celebrate Jesus Christ's birth.  There is no real indication that the Christian Messiah was actually born on that day, but it was decided long ago, and there it is.   But little by little the reason for the season was crowded out; St.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Facebook Like Buttons

    Hello folks, you've probably noticed the new Facebook Like buttons at the top of each post. We added these to facilitate social sharing of dagblog content. If you click a post's Like button, your recommendation will appear on your Facebook news feed, and hopefully, a few of your friends will check it out. Ideally, if the piece is really good, some of your friends will also click the Like button, and it will go viral.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Beliefs (Or, the Ghost of Christmas Present)

    So, in my last post, I talked more specifically about my Christian beliefs than is my blogging habit. I doubt I'll do it more often; I don't think that you should believe something just because I do, and so I try to write from the assumption that you don't. But I did mention my own beliefs, and it's Christmas, so let me come clean a bit, because it's an important holiday for me, and because it's such a bitter season:

    Donal's picture

    <insert name here>Leaks

    What hath WikiLeaks wrought? Besides all the polarization and controversy - OpenLeaks. In, How OpenLeaks is Likely to Work, the Read Write Web blog doesn't tell us too much, but it doesn't seem like there's much to tell yet:

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Work, You Wretches!

    Meanwhile, back over at TPMCafe, Jon Taplin makes an interesting argument in his post "Merchants Of Fear."  Two, actually.  The first is that some people, especially peddlars of gold and survivalist rations, are purposefully overselling the state of American decline in order to make a buck.  Granted.  But then there's this:

    Donal's picture

    Today you ... tomorrow me

    I was reading 3 Quarks Daily, then one thing led to another and I found this story on reddit. And it's a great story for so many reasons. The writer was commenting on a thread, Have You Ever Picked Up a Hitchhiker?:

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Assange, Irony and Secrets

    I agree that hearing Julian Assange's lawyers outrage that leaked information pertaining to the rape charges against him should have never been made public is funny.  I also agree with David Seaton that politics is politics and that anything that makes Assange look like a hypocrite is bad news for him.  In the game he's playing image is important.  You can't be for the release of all secrets except for your own.  All absolutists find their petards hoisted sooner

