The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    GOP, Jim Bunning filibuster family's dinner

    AKRON — Edward Crone and his family had just finished saying grace and were prepared to begin eating dinner when Senate Republicans – led by the retiring Jim Bunning – burst through the door and threatened to filibuster the meal.

    “We see no way that the Crone family can possibly pay for this meal,” said Bunning. “If the Crone family can’t offset the price of a meal, what will they offset.”

    Caught off guard, Senate Democrats said they had no choice but to cancel the Crone’s dinner, as the mere threat of the filibuster was an unbeatable weapon against them.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Breaking: A drunken Barack Obama chokes living daylights out of Jim Bunning

    WASHINGTON – Inside sources confirm that U.S. President Barack Obama – completely hammered on Coors Light and Alabama Slammers – choked the living daylights out of Republican Senator Jim Bunning, today.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The worst thing I can do to Andrew Breitbart

    According to pretend journalist Andrew Breitbart, “The worst thing you can do …in politically correct America…is accuse somebody of being a (sic) racism.”

    Let’s see if I can make it a little worser:

    Andrew Breitbart is a cowardly racist.

    Pass it on.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Christian Fundamentalists = Islamic Fundamentalists: Blame the Rape Victim edition

    Whether they are Islamic, Christian or Scientologists, religious fundamentalists are truly an evil people. How else to explain the “Girls dressing provocatively are just asking to be raped” leaflet being handed out to girls in Bristol, Va.:

    “You may have been given this leaflet because of the way you are dressed,” it begins. “Have you thought about standing before the true and living God to be judged?”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Got Torts? William K. Wolfrum’s Tort Reformation is here to help

    Do you have Torts? Do you wake up each morning to see a Tort-infested life that is destroying everything you hold dear?

    If that’s the case, then William K. Wolfrum’s Tort Reformation* is here for you.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tiger Woods dropped by Gatorade - blogger's funniest post ever now moot

    It is with great sadness that I announce that Gatorade has dropped Tiger Woods as a sponsor. No, it wasn't because they finally realized that golfers don't actually need electrolytes, it's far more nefarious than that. They dropped Tiger because he was doing the only thing that really required Gatorade - having sex with dozens and dozens of women not named Mrs. Woods.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Against the Crocodile: Amy Bishop, Joseph Stack, and the Press

    Reading some of the news coverage about the murderers Amy Bishop and Joe Stack over the last two weeks, and some of the responses to them by internet commenters, I've had the nauseating feeling that Bishop and Stack have gotten what they want. Not what they purport to want, of course, not a promotion or a revolution, but the things that their violence was actually aimed at getting them. I've had a hard time putting my objection into clear words, so I'm going to resort to a story from history:

    acanuck's picture

    The Decline, Fall, Plunge and Demise of Journalism

    If you go to the Drudge Report right now, you'll see the teaser:

    PAPER: Soros 'at center of hedge funds plot to cash in on demise of the euro'...

    If you click on the link, you'll see the Mail Online headline:

    Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall of the euro'

    If you read the lead paragraph, you'll see:

    A secretive group of Wall Street hedge fund bosses are said to be behind a plot to cash in on the decline of the euro.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Bipartisanship as Theater

    So President Obama's health care summit didn't go anywhere it wasn't expected to go. The Democrats made noises about bipartisan compromise and asked for Republican input. The Republicans demanded the whole bill (or more accurately both the bills) be scrapped entirely. The Democrats got no concessions. No reasonable person would have expected anything else at this point. And Barack Obama, who is a fairly reasonable person, must have expected to play out much the way it did.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Why Do Liberals Hate Beauty Queens?

    What is the most persecuted demographic in the nation? It's not the blacks, the Jews, or the Hispanics, and certainly not the gays. One victim stands out in the gruesome annals of discrimination: the Beauty Queen.

    The latest sacrifice to the bottomless hunger of the gay liberal hate monster is Miss Beverly Hills, Lauren Ashley. Ashley simply quoted an innocent line from the Bible:
