by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/19/2022 - 1:33pm
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/19/2022 - 11:40pm
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/19/2022 - 11:45pm
A Long Island weekly had the goods on Santos several weeks before Election Day -
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 1:47am
Why didn't Leader sell its breakthru to NYT or Post or local TV or push it on Twitter, or even the election commission? The article itself was just 1 of several endorsements - easy to miss on the page - most ppl will go for the op-ed piece slamming Jill Biden on books instead. Is that where their responsibility ends?
The GOP's normalized not releasing taxes & lying about credentials - Rubio, Cruz, Cawthorn, Boebert, Trump... - - not surprising no one cares except the -R by the name, and no one's going to mess with not voting straight ticket just for 1 grifter candidate. But where's the GOP's responsibility for fielding a Talented Mr. Santos candidate? Why is everyone hitting first on cash-strapped newspapers or the opposition candidate (who the press often drown out anyway)?
If a school put a young looking 22-year-old non-student in a basketball championship, is it the other team's responsibility to find that out and publicize it? Russia Olympic Committee's been banned for years for doping. Where are the sanctions on NY's GOP for letting a totally outrageous scammer into the election? Where is the FEC since this was a federal position?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 2:29am
Everything Florida Touches Dies?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 3:25am
Personally there I see a conspiracy minded deep dive by lefties that is a big fucking waste of time. Of course you can find connections between kookaroos, they tend to find each other, doesn't mean it's a brilliant plot.
Really this is an excellent example of the kind of Palmer-report style amateur 'research' that you seem to like sometimes, but I see as the road to perdition once it could be spread on social media. Different strokes for different folks I guess (and I do understand the allure of deep dives into real historical archives - just that I learned to be aware of the faultiness of making a big deal out of certain connections and getting carried away.)
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 6:21pm
Been a while since Palmer Report & Louise Mensch - mostly a placeholder in early 2017 when more mainstream pubs were just accepting the election & transition at face value, but was obvious something was terribly wrong - but wouldn't be Supreme Court mandated SWAT/Marshall teams to swoop down and arrest everyone as Mensch posited nor were many of Palmer's missives particularly relevant or profound.
Here in this blip there's a) a note of Santos's involvement with some Florida group, which may be relevant as his rise gets deconstructed over the next month, and b) a reminder of Flynn's web (like many GOP operatives) with the question which of these groups are actually dangerous & effective, vs more or less political social clubs. We've seen Butina's activities with NRA & Congressfolk (and how her cute romance with Patrick Byrne turned to him popping up high up in the Jan6 coup planning), the Christian group lobbying the Supreme Court for years, Leonard Leo's effect on the same, the evolving role of Proud Boy's & OathKeepers from usual survivalist nutters to actually primed & active, etc. etc (Roger Stone being a particularly pernicious tie, others like Rudy are a sign of access but also incompetence...). Erik Prince has had his mercenary and fringe influence operation for a long time - while it looked like he would be investigated with Mueller, Barr's activities likely shut all that down/compromised many of the evidence trails or paths to clean investigation. Trump's move to Florida certainly let 1000 flowers of wacko bloom in that venue, and they're busy mutating as Trump devolves into new hybrids - the majority as Hitchhiker's update on Earth says, "mostly harmless". But there will be a few worth watching like Wuhan viruses jumping the Petri dish.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 12:46am
[fixed] Not all conspiracies are made up.
(one of my faves is asking people if 9/11 was a conspiracy - they usually say no, and i point out there were at least 25 known named conspirators. "But that's not fair, you meant government conspirators..." they'll object. Of course we don't know if there were any low level gov enablers, but then it'll be "but that had to be high level" or even George W himself. We often frame things to tilt the field in advance - which is one reason Jan6 got so far on so many fronts. "Stop the Steal" seemed pretty harmless the first 2 times it was run, ignoring it's 2000 Brooks Brothersp redecessor)
But here we see reference to violent Broward County Stop the Steal protests more than 1 1/2 years before BLM protests - how can that be?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 7:05am
Andrew Yang:
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 6:53pm
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 3:59am
Bill Kristol & TPM:
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 3:51pm
Ironic but a low bar.
Hoping the 4 investigations turn up at least wire fraud.
Still, the GOP would let Santos video stream his vote from Rikers. (I'd give him the Jeffrey Epstein suite in MCC, but they closed it. Maybe bunk with Sam Bankman-Fried in Brooklyn's MDC?)
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 01/12/2023 - 2:14am
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 8:31pm
He's decided that his constituents would have to drag him outta there:
by artappraiser on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 5:49pm
^ should add this context - while the national party has not done much, the NY State GOP is screaming bloody murder today, and he is basically responding to them there:
by artappraiser on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 6:45pm
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/12/2023 - 2:35pm
the stories keep coming (Hollywood script?)
by artappraiser on Fri, 01/13/2023 - 5:03pm
Santos's weird campaign $ handler
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 8:07am
"Where's George?" campaign off and running, including using social media and legacy media (first off, he has not bothered to set up an office in the district he is supposed to be representing):
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 3:33pm
^ 1010 is the AM radio station everyone in the NYC area uses when they need breaking news - it's obnoxious to listen to for longer than 10 minutes because it keeps repeating every 10 minutes and has no other content except breaking local news, traffic and weather. But if you need one of those 3 things, you go there.
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 3:38pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/15/2023 - 4:32pm
He's not planning on leaving:
by artappraiser on Tue, 01/24/2023 - 12:49pm
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/28/2023 - 3:01am