The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Live Blogging Conservatives Gone Wild

    Slightly late and exceedingly risky but why the heck not.



    I guess Herman Cain wins for me - I like the Chilean model too.

    I saw that coming, but my brain was too late to stop the click

    Or the reptilian brain took over. As a species we're suckers for awful jokes and puns.

    I didn't watch the debate, but I assume that the Republicans will nominate Romney in the end.  Now that they're playing for real money, a majority will realize that their dumbass Tea Party performance art isn't going to win any national elections.

    I'm sure that it will come down to Romney vs Perry. I give Perry the upper hand because a) there are simply too many Tea Party ideologues in the party, b) Perry does a better imitation of a real political candidate than any of the other Tea Party nuts, and c) Romney is Romney.

    But it will depend on who campaigns better.

    The Tea Partiers I know in New Hampshire - admittedly my acquaintance with them is limited - don't seem to like Perry very much.  They're more in the libertarian wing and don't like the evangelicals.  They like Ron Paul.

    I've been thinking about this, and wondering if Paul in New Hampshire will be the big story of the primaries.

    The mainstream media is totally not prepared for him to have a strong showing. And he's exactly the kind of crank that appeals to New Hampshire's local cranks.

    I suspect that NH is atypical. Unless he implodes, Perry will almost certainly win Iowa and South Carolina because of the evangelical votes. Romney takes Nevada and probably NH. So then we have a two-man race (with possible outliers like Paul).

    Then it becomes a numbers contest between culture warriors, libertarians, and fiscal conservatives.

    That said, I think that the social-security-ponzi-scheme stuff is really going to bite Perry in the ass

    Perry is a kick-ass kinda guy, like Dubya, who kicked Gore's ass, Saddam's ass, Kerry's ass, and our economy's ass on the way out the door. Romneycare is a Mormon for krisesakes, they are about level with Mooselims to Real Americans.

    Perry has piled up even more executions than George W., just doing God's  work in Texas, and the debate crowd there loved it, so no telling where Perry will expand to, starting his own war(s) against evil doers. America does wars best, and leaders like Perry know it.

    Well, there was the war on Social Security, the war on regulations, the war on...

    Domestic wars that free up cash for the fat cats are the wars that keep on ka-chinging, like the drug war. I also like Ron Paul's war on the minimum wage. The poor already have it too good.

    Well, that was fun!  Not the debate, the live-blogging.  I didn't (couldn't, just couldn't) watch the whole thing, but I went to Twitter now and then.  Some really hilarious comments.  Andy Borowitz outdid himself.  But this was one of my lol favorites:

    Here they are. Bitchy, Greasy, Shifty, Flunky, Cranky, Frothy, Nopey, and Shithead.


    Maybe I should have done this on twitter instead of the liveblog thing. Maybe the next time I'll figure out how to set that up so it displays at dag.

    I like the live blog thing except I think I really need a computer upgrade cause it really slowed my computer/browser down.


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