by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I keep hearing so-called Black activists talking about how the "White Supremacist" system is holding the Black man down. But can't these so-called intellectuals see that if White Supremacy can hold the Black man down, that means that the White man is indeed supreme!!!? It’s directly analogous to a man going home and telling his family that he can't feed them because "Willie won't let him." If Willie can prevent him from feeding his family, that means that Willie is the better man. Thus, every time we say, "the White man won't let me," we’re reinforcing the idea in our own minds that the White man is superior to us. It shouldn’t take Socrates to see that simple reality in that logic.
While I understand that "the White man" has a system in place that is designed to give him the upper hand, all the whining in the world is not going to change that system. How long have we been whining so far, and what has it done for us? It hasn’t done us a damn bit of good, has it? No it hasn’t, and it never will.
The fact is, we will never be able to out-whine, out-scream, or out-fight, the White man. The only way we’re going to overcome the denigrating effects of his system is to OUT-THINK him. So what we need to do is shut up and stop telegraphing our every thought; Turn off BET, MTV, and ESPN; and then start educating ourselves so we’ll have something of substance to bring to the table.
And this is the perfect time to do that. The powers that be are currently embarked upon an agenda designed to dumb-down the entire poor and middle class segment of this society, because the fact is, we’re currently knee-deep in a not so covert class war. What the paleo-conservatives (social bigots) fail to realize, at least, at this point, is that the fiscal conservatives (corporatists) don’t care any more about them than they do Blacks, gays, or women. So while the corporatists are engaged in dumbing the rest of society down, if the Black community had the insight to start quietly embracing education and knowledge, that would serve to level the playing field that we’ve been traditionally complaining about - and what makes this the perfect plan is, knowledge is free. The only thing necessary to obtain it is to want it, and to have sense enough to respect it.
But the root of the problem that we’ve traditionally had in the Black community is our attitude towards knowledge. As a direct result of our history of slavery, we’ve developed a sort of aversion to knowledge. We tend to equate the pursuit of knowledge with selling out. We see knowledge as part of the White man’s domain, so we look upon Black people who have a love of knowledge with disdain, because we see them as "trying to be White."
The reason for that is, during slavery the only Black people we knew who spoke proper English were "house niggas," and many house niggas had a tendency to look down their noses at those of us who worked in the field. As a result of that experience, today, even highly intelligent Black people will often try to hide it, because over the years we’ve developed an attitude where many feel that we have a moral obligation to remain ignorant in order to prove our Blackness.
That’s one of the weapons that’s being used against President Obama by many envious Black intellectuals. They’re trying to convince the Black community of the following:
"I’m cool - see my long, wooly Afro, how cool I act, and how I can quote Lil’ Wayne when I’m on stage? I’m one of y’all. I just have enough intelligence to speak the White man’s language, so I’m keeping an eye on him for the people. But that Obama, he’s not like me. He don’t have no Afro, he don’t never quote Lil Wayne, and he’s obviously much too intelligent to be trusted."
People like those mentioned above, while posing as intellectuals themselves, are reinforcing a negative attitude towards knowledge that we desperately need to get past, and at the same time, promoting a negative stereotype of the Black male that even we embrace.
Most of what we think we know about ourselves comes from the very same sources and stereotypes that informs White Americans about who we are. The problem with that is we've allowed ourselves to buy into a negative stereotype of ourselves that’s destroying the self-image of our youth, and our popular culture has not only embraced this negative stereotype as a romantically heroic image, but it’s embellishing upon it, and then we complain about being profiled - we’re profiling ourselves!
So instead of benefitting from the luxury of defining ourselves in a positive light like every other culture in America, many Black people have quite literally embraced a form of gross ignorance regarding our own character. Thus, it is imperative that we take the time to stop just long enough to consider who we really are. Then once we become cognizant of the truth, warts and all, we should address our issues, and then teach our young people to embellish our assets.
An excellent example of who we actually are was reflected around the turn of the 20th Century when you could find Black musicians sitting along the side of the road playing washboards, tubs, and anything they could put together that would make a sound. When people passed them by, including White musicians, they would simply smile, and sometimes even throw them a few pennies for the modest effort and industry that they displayed for even attempting to make real music with such crude instruments.
These simple music-makers were looked upon as "quaint." There was no hostility towards them at all, because they weren't a threat. After all, they were no threat to the White musicians, since they could never hope to get any real instruction in music. Most of them couldn't even read their names, so why should anyone ever worry about them learning to read music; and they had to struggle just to get through grade school, so what threat did they pose to White musicians who had access to the great music conservatories of the world?
Well, little did the world know that in the very near future, those simple little ragtag musicians with their makeshift instruments would develop into some of the greatest musicians the world has ever known. They would contribute one of the most important and harmonically complex forms of music to the world in the history of all mankind.
Few knew at the time that one day Universities, musicologists, and music conservatories all over the world would struggle to understand the complexity of their musical genius, and even fewer could have guessed that many of these "quaint" musicians would someday become world renowned, and synonymous with their respective instruments–Louis Armstrong, Jellyroll Morton, Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane–just to mention a few.
But what we've got to recognize and absorb as a community is that creativity is not restricted to just music. The reason that the creative genius of Black people has been reflected more in music than in business, science, or technology is because it was an area where we didn't have to depend on the approval of others, and more importantly, we were rewarded in the community for its development. We've also got to recognize, as any scientist who studies cognition well knows, creativity is not stagnant–it has associative properties that allow it to be transferred from one endeavor to another. Thus, as Barack Obama is clearly demonstrating, Black people have much more to offer the world than a twelve bar blues.
So today the Black community is in a similar situation as those early musicians were in their day, but this time we have the advantage of not having to sit on the side of the road. We have a supportive Black man in the White House, an economic environment that's thirsting for innovation, creativity, and new ideas, and no one to hold us back. So all that's left for us to do now is to recognize it's a new day, shed all of the defensive excuses and bad habits that were a part of the old paradigm, and get to work.
And our very first task should be to reassess and rid ourselves of the negative cultural mores that we've developed over the past hundred years or so. That involves discarding, and refusing to reward or romanticize the image of the Black man as urban predator. That is the very root of our problem. How can we possibly expect to raise a well adjusted generation of young people when their being sired by idiots running around in unlaced tennis shoes, wearing baseball caps sideways, and whose most heartfelt ambition is to be looked up to as a successful gangster? It can't be done. So we've got to stop rewarding such behavior, and make that a community effort.
When I was a kid my grandfather use to tell me, "All I want from this whole damn nation is a pretty little wife and a good foundation." I didn't realize it at the time, but he was relating the key to life to me in that one little limerick - the foundation of happiness and success starts with a solid family.
So we need to start with our girls in order to get the attention of our young men. We've got to start teaching our young girls from birth that young men who assume the gangster image are bad news, and we've got to keep such images out of our homes. We must also create an environment where if BET wants to continue to enter our homes, its call sign will have to be changed to mean Black Excellence Television.
In addition, we've got to demand more responsibility from our other community institutions. We've got to demand of our churches, that if they expect to take collection money out of our community on Sunday, they'd better be prepared to put some kind of service back into the community during the week. Our churches should be serving as low-cost child care facilities for working mothers during the week. They could then employ unemployed mothers, and at the same time hold classes in child rearing. The community should send the following message to our preachers -"Don't just preach me a sermon, live me one."
And we should also encourage the promoters of these awards shows, like the NAACP Image Awards, to start placing more emphasis on honoring young scholars, educators, and the people in the community who are helping to move Black people forward, instead of the same old celebrities all the time. That isn't to say that celebrities and entertainment shouldn't be involved in the shows, but they should be the "help", not the honorees. After all, if all our young people ever see the community honoring are singers, movies stars, and athletes, why should they aspire to be anything else?
The only hope for the Black man is to make knowledge, the new soul of our culture, because God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think. Thus, it’s no longer enough to simply say "I’m Black and I’m proud." It is long past time for us to start investing in our excellence, so we’ll have something to be proud of.
The axiom that "Knowledge is power" is no myth. The truth of that assertion has been repeatedly proven throughout human history. For that reason, with very few exceptions, it has been the most knowledgeable who have ultimately prevailed. Thus, those who simply continue to advocate what’s been repeatedly tried and has failed miserably - attempting to whine, complain, and protest their way to equality - are on a fool’s errand. It's time, therefore, to give the novel and completely obvious a try - the stability of excellence, and the strength of knowledge.
Eric L. Wattree
[email protected]
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
by Elusive Trope on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 10:40am
We are different, as both individuals, and groups. And we are both superior and inferior as both individuals and groups. Where a given individual is superior to me in math, I’m superior to him in English; and where one group is superior to another in business due to it’s cultural predisposition, the second group is superior to the first in art or science for the very same reason. That constitutes balance, which is also a form of equality.
When I was in college I had a friend, who is now an engineer, who was a whiz in math, but weak in English composition. On the other hand, I could write a paper in my sleep, but math gave me fits. So we both had weakness, but when we put our heads together, we were a force to be reckoned with. That’s what the various groups in society need to understand - the fact that we’re different is an asset, not a liability.
by Wattree on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 3:48pm
Yes. And, I don't mean to be flippant about this, but more kids should be exposed to super hero comics. The idea of differences as an asset is essential to them all. Also, Star Trek's notion of "infinite diversity in infinite combinations."
Nerd, out.
by Michael Maiello on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 11:43pm
by Elusive Trope on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 12:47am
It isn't always as simple of reducing the dynamic down to "is it an asset or a liability?" And that is not what Butler was talking about.
A facet of womanhood some have used in the gender struggles in this country to facilitate as sense of empowerment and affirmation is the ability to give birth. Not only is it something necessary if the species is to continue, but more importantly the nature of the experience provides according to some an alteration in the mother that is incredibly powerful and beautiful. This is combined with the fact that women tend to be more relationship-based in their approach to life to lead some to say, as I have some say to me point blank, that women are just more superior to men. Men will never be able to experience and nurture another life begin and grow within them.
(as an aside Butler has dealt with how the language systems of the patriarchies have attempted to make the "womb" an empty place until the phallus arrives and creates something where nothing was)
Some people get visibly upset, even angry, when you say their favorite kind of music (be it rap, country, classical, or whatever) doesn't float your boat. Too often a quest for affirmation from others is just under the surface when we engage others.
If the ability to carry a baby to term and give birth is an experience that makes you a better person, it doesn't take some to go the extra step and think that one is lacking a critical and prerequisite experience to becoming a quality individual. Meanwhile, dividing the world into those who have given birth to another human being (along with those who can give birth but have not yet actually done it) from those who are unable to do so reinforces the notion that there are fundamental differences between people.
I have met some mathematicians who believe a deep (working) knowledge of mathematics is a critical and prerequisite facet to being a worthy being, a person who matters. They are not as common as those in this country who believe that the color of one's skin, or what is between one's legs, or who one wants to pair up with for life is crucial to becoming a proper person, but they exist alongside those who won't have anything to do with you if you don't come from the right family with old money.
by Elusive Trope on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 11:15am
GW Bush was proof positive that a true meritocracy does not exist. GW was dumb as a stump but could make it through elite universities. The fact that people can believe concepts like legitimate rape, deny climate change and ignore facts that weaken, if not demolish, the argument for austerity makes it clear that having a factual foundation can easily overcome the lies spouted by others.The truth can set you free.
Instead of being the trauma riddled athlete, aim to be the tax attorney or orthopedic surgeon. There are role models just a mouse click or page turn away.the solution has always been a combination of the spiritual base of MLK and Malcolm X, the knowledge seeking of WEB Dubois and the work ethic of Booker T Washington. The same messages were carried by Coretta Scott King who was ahead of Martin on many issues. Ida B Wells, and Madame CJ'S Walker.
There are a host of models to follow as you create your own path.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 11:32am
I fully agree, RM.
by Wattree on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 3:25pm
I think that we've made ourselves too comfortable. The world is not fair. The universal bends towards justice with the sweat of many hands. Teaching our children that life is easy and that success comes easily is child abuse.
The world rewards nitwits like Bush, Palin, Bachmann and Romney. A black executive with the mental skills of GW would have been shown the door.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 3:47pm
RM, If George W. Bush would have been a Black man, he probably wouldn't have survived. But if he had, he MIGHT have been able to get a job as a janitor - but not anywhere near the White House. John Bonehner would have been a drunk, hanging out in front of the pool hall instead of in congress; Sarhra Palin would have been somebody's hoe, and Michele Bachmann would have been a waitress and the night manager's girlfriend at "Chiterlin's Are Us."
by Wattree on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 9:35pm
by Elusive Trope on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 12:59am
For an African-American, it may be easier to rise through the ranks on the GOP side than on the Democratic side. Al Sharpton could not gain traction as a Democratic candidate while Herman Cain led the GOP ranks for a period of time. Alan Keyes was thought to be stable enough to be a Senatorial candidate in Illinois, despite erratic behavior. The current GOP candidate for Lt Gov is fine as long as he sticks to wingnut social and religious views. On the Democratic side, voters will reject the crazy and elect a White mayor in a majority Black city like Baltimore. Carol Moseley-Braun got elected but was rejected when she proved to be Allen West style crazy. The dynamics of the GOP for Blacks is different.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 8:55am
Allen West was rejected because he was too crazy. The difference on the GOP side is that West remains a viable entity within GOP ranks.On the Democratic side, Carol Moseley-Braun has vanished.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 9:09am
In Bizarro World Clarence Thomas would be a White, independent-thinking, intellectual, who everyone, of every political persuasion, loved and respected as a monument to ethical conduct. In other words, the mirror image of himself.
by Wattree on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 10:39am
If I put the work of a janitor at a level as demeaning as you do I would like to think I would pay someone else a decent wage so that i could avoid doing it myself. As it is, I am a very small time landlord and I do a whole lot of janitorial work. I don't feel demeaned by having to do it.
And if John Bonehner hung around outside the right pool halls I would have known him, at least coming and going.
And waitresses don't belong as a group in your hierarchy of failed and ugly life situations just because they are waitresses. Or because they have a boyfriend.
And, the Sara Palin thing is just some kinda wrong.
by LULU (not verified) on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 1:41am
There's an interesting book called Walden Two (even though it seems to bare very little resemblance to Walden) written by B. F. Skinner that addresses your first book. IIRC, in the book they've established a communal society and those jobs that are least desirable earn the most "points" (or something like that) for those who opt to do them. The more creative jobs (which admittedly often require more training) are jobs which most people enjoy and hence earn fewer points. I might have some of the details wrong there, but that was the gist of the system as I remember it.
by Verified Atheist on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 7:24am
With the possible exception of my portrayal of Sarah Palin, your comment is a classic example of your reading what you want to see into what you read. I didn’t say anything demeaning about a janitor, other than possibly, Bush would be qualified to get the job. And what did I say demeaning about being a waitress, other than she wouldn’t be in congress? Now, as for Sarah Palin, I must admit, I was kind of demeaning in calling her someone’s ten-dollar hoe, so I apologize - make that a twenty-dollar hoe.
by Wattree on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 10:49am
Oh, please.
If W were black he likely would not have been president but as no doubt Boule he would never be a janitor - not that there's anything disreputable about the occupation - it's just not an occupation the Black 1% pursue except maybe at a company management level.
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 10:52am
I believe that the idea was to place GW and the others in the general Black population.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 11:50am
Contrary to popular belief, surviving the adversity of the Black community requires the ability to think. When I look back upon my life I can only imagine the contributions that some of my friends could have made to this world had they not succumb to the adversity of having to survive the Black experience. The only reason that I survived was through a combination of luck, and the fact that I lacked the personal courage that many of them were blessed with, so I was willing to put up with things that many of them were willing to place their lives on the line against.
But I wasn’t the smartest of my friends by a long shot - in fact, when I was in elementary school they were about to place me in Special Training because I couldn’t keep up. The only reason they didn’t was because my teacher, Ms. Lady Lee, convinced the principal to give her a semester to work with me, and during that semester, she taught me the key to being a survivor - it’s all about self-concept.
She pulled me to the side, and she said, "Eric, let’s play a game. For the rest of the year I want you to pretend to be the smartest person in class." I agreed, and from that point on, instead of being my teacher, Ms. Lee became my fellow conspirator, and she "conspired" with me to help me pull off this hoax. Part of which involved my staying a chapter ahead so I would know the answers to her questions before the rest of the class. I was amazed at both how devious this lady was. I was also amazed that she would help me to pull off such an elaborate hoax on my unsuspecting classmates. But what made me feel especially close to her was that we shared a secret that nobody else knew about. That made me feel special.
Then, before long I noticed that people started treating me differently - in fact, the most sought-after girl in class, who wouldn’t even speak to any of the boys, casually walked up to me during lunch one day and said, "Hi, Eric. Can I sit here?" Thereafter we became good friends. Later, when we became teenagers, she even wanted to take it to the next level, but by that time I'd met the young girl who was later to become my wife and the mother of my children.
But it wasn’t only Freddie who was treating me differently, by the end of the semester I noticed that I was being treated differently by everyone, my peers and grownups alike. Even as a nine year-old kid, people seemed to treat me with more respect. Yet, I was the very same person that everyone used to dismiss as dim-witted. The only difference in me was my own self-image, and the fact that I would always read a chapter ahead of the rest of the class to maintain the fraud that I was perpetrating. But I began to cherish my newfound respect, and I used to be constantly afraid that I was going to be found out. But gradually I began to understand . . . I had absolutely nothing to worry about, because the fact is, everybody is perpetrating a hoax.
Thank you, Ms. Lee.
by Wattree on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 1:02pm
Congratulations on encountering on a good teacher like Ms. Lady Lee. I had one of those who taught me much the same thing but in a much blunter way. She regularly and emphatically told the whole class that there is difference between being ignorant and being stupid: Ignorance can be corrected; stupidity, not so much. I believed her so I was (almost) never embarrassed to ask questions or challenge what I was told when I did not understand or thought it was wrong or incomplete.
And that was my point. It sounds like you do not know that there is a wealthy black elite that has been around for a very long time and who have for almost as long networked with one another through fraternities, sororities and social clubs. So contrary to your assertion that "surviving the adversity of the Black community requires the ability to think", black W's do exist and they do succeed the same way the white one did as by using their family's wealth and connections. Yes, there are black 'fortunate sons'; daughters, too.
If you haven't already, you should check out this book by one of them:
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 1:03pm
Now, what would make you think that I am so stupid that I wouldn’t know that there is such a thing as a Black upper class? Both my son and daughter went to Windsor Hills Elementary School in Los Angeles with the children of doctors, lawyers, and politicians while I was making $117 a week at the Ortho Mattress Co. during the day, going to school, and supplementing my income by working in a liquor store at night.
The fact is, whether or not there is a Black upper class simply wasn’t the point of my comment. The point was, regardless to what level of the Black community a Black person comes from, it’s not going to be as easy to reach the pinnacle of American society on connections alone. That’s why Obama has to be smart enough to take on the entire Republican Party. He seems to have 20 IQ points on that entire side of the isle. Washington looks like a playground with one adult playing in the sandbox with an entire town full of pouting, tantrum-prone children.
by Wattree on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 11:59pm
Now see, there you go twisting what I said into its opposite.
In my first comment I presumed you knew what Boule was but based on your reply to it there was some doubt so I elaborated -- as much for the benefit of your readers who might not know as for you.
You're right. Obama is a smart guy but he doesn't really need you to make that point particularly if the only way you know how to do that is by diminishing his opponents. After all, where's the glory in defeating a lesser opponent?
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 12:23pm
Everyone knew about Jack and Jill and the brown paper bag test. My pediatrician partied with Adam Clayton Powell on Bimini. There has been a Black enclave on Martha's Vineyard for decades. There are magazines like Monarch that cater to wealthy Blacks.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 8:44pm
"Everyone knew ...."
That's what I thought. Maybe not everybody but certainly you and Wattree.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 12:32pm
I don't understand the point of the link. Initially you seemed to suggest that we were unarmed of the Black upper class. Your link discusses the book's over-emphasis on skin color. Since you made the reference to the book and provided the link, could you state plainly what you want to say.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 2:01pm
The point I think he was making is that the achievements of the book's black elite prior to affirmative action are too often discounted or ignored and automatically assumed to have been predatory, which some were. but not all. Also, that the standard depiction of the black community is incomplete without including them.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 2:28pm
Nobody excluded them.The point about Bush and the others was that given their intellectual level, they could not have risen as high as they did if they were Black or Latino. Take John McCain, prior to his capture McCain had crashed expensive Navy jets.Under most circumstances, he would not have been able to get back into the cockpit, even if his father wasabi Admiral.
Pat Buchanan was kicked out of an elite school, but still allowed to have a successful political carrier. GW was an alcoholic until his forties. Palin was a multi- school dropout. These folks benefited from a privilege not accessible to many Blacks regardless of station.
If you remember, the son of former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders spent prison time for marijuana. The police drove Jeb Bush's drug addicted daughter home to daddy. Class is not a repellant for uneven treatment.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 3:12pm
by jollyroger on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 6:33pm
The Palin comment is ridiculous - she went continually to 5 years of college, 5 of her last 6 semesters at U of Idaho. It's not unusual to pick up lesser credits at community colleges, and until she won her scholarship, probably had some trouble paying for school. (Note: a surprising number of people who can't count Fall 1982-Spring 1987 have claimed she took 6 years to graduate). Was not the most demanding degree, was not the most standard college path, but hardly the idiot fodder claimed.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 2:41pm
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 4:00pm
Right, you pull out tedious bullshit from the 2008 campaign, and I'm the one boring you? Sarah who? College?
You're a piece of work. But I guess it's easier than discussing something pertinent & timely, like "poverty", "austerity", "grand bargain", and tomorrow, the monthly unemployment report.
A couple links to keep you yawning:
The view from Versailles is growing alarming. Let them eat yellow cake.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 7:44pm
The discussion was centered around the idea that it would be more difficult for a Black or Latino with Sarah Palin's qualifications to become the Governor of any state. Palin got a pass. Palin's educational background is pertinent to the fact that she could become a Governor.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 9:07pm
Bill Richardson of New Mexico went to Tufts
Susana Martinez of New Mexico went to UT El Paso and University of Oklahoma Law
Deval Patrick of Massachusetts went to Harvard University and Harvard Law
Nikki Haley of South Carolina went to Clemson
Cory Booker of New Jersey who will run for the Senate went to Stanford and Yale Law
Palin's CV is different.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 9:29pm
Bill Richardson of New Mexico went to Tufts
Susana Martinez of New Mexico went to UT El Paso and University of Oklahoma Law
Deval Patrick of Massachusetts went to Harvard University and Harvard Law
Nikki Haley of South Carolina went to Clemson
Cory Booker of New Jersey who will run for the Senate went to Stanford and Yale Law
Palin's CV is different.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 9:40pm
Alaska is northwest of bumfuck and there are 730,000 people in the whole state.
They're a bunch of survivalist, individualist government haters living off in a government subsidized oil-rich backwater, used to seeing no people for months at a time when it's 22 hours a day dark.
Fewer than 10% of Alaskan adults have a graduate degree, only 28% have some 4-year college degree or more. 63% have no college degree. Do you think they're waiting for a Harvard law grad to represent their interests? If a degreeless black or Latino moved to Alaska, they'd have a better chance of being governor than in any state in the country.
Why you think Palin's CV would be the same as someone growing up in Hartford Connecticut or Dallas Texas is beyond me. As she wryly noted, she's closer to Russia and the North Pole than to the streets of San Francisco.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:45am
Educational backgrounds of recent Alaska Governors
Tony Knowles. 1994-2002. Yale University
Frank Murkowski 2002-2006 Santa Clara University
Sean Parnell 2009-present Pacific Lutheran University and University of Puget Sound Law
I stand by my statement that Palin got a pass not easily afforded a minority candidate,A minority candidate with Palin's credentials, male or female, would have been labeled dumb.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 7:23am
U of Idaho is ranked 165 for national universities in US News, and its tuition is much more affordable than most.
You simply don't know what you're talking about, but you open your mouth/type anyway.
These are the same kind of stupid stereotypes that if used against blacks you'd have a shit. Grow up.
Sarah Palin's problems were her bad ideas and her flawed simplistic world view, not her college nor that she took 5 years to graduate nor that she went to community college nor that she won a beauty pageant & scholarship.
Oprah Winfrey had similar modest upbringing & beauty scholarship and excelled with it.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 8:05am
See response below.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 8:21am
But an idiot, nevertheless.
by Wattree on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 8:04pm
What!!!??? This is pure gibberish with respect to my post, or any of my comments related to it. Perhaps you're responding to a post that I've missed.
by Wattree on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:19pm
Perhaps you forgot, I initially replied to one of your comments, not your post.
by EmmaZahn on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 4:09pm
by Elusive Trope on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 12:57am
Zuck is a woman? He looked a bit dandyish, but I still figured he was the real deal. So was Facebook an experiment with makeup that went awry? Call Marissa Mayer, she's got company. You go, girls - and no working from home.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 2:24pm
Peracles, I'd be resorting to personal attacks too if I had an argument as irrational as yours. Palin had weak educational credentials. She does appeal to voters who are angry and wish for an American that never really existed.Palin taps into the same crowd as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. Heck, Dennis Miller is one of the worst comics alive, but he can appeal to that crowd.
Name a Black Senator or Governor who has the weak academic credentials of Sarah Palin. Even verbal bomb- thrower Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois had a degree from University of Illinois and University of Chicago Law. You cannot name a person that matches Palin's weak background.This frustrates you so you attempt diversion and when no one clicks on your uninteresting diversionary links, you resort to personal attacks.
No Black person or Lattino with Palin's weak background would have been considered for the Vice Presidency. If you have direct facts to prove that a minority with the weak résumé of Palin got elected to the Senate or higher office, present them.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 8:36am
By the way, Oprah Winfrey attended Tennessee State University majoring in communications.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 9:07am
Right, & she got there by beauty pageant scholarship. Tennessee State isn't even rated by US News. Nonetheless, Oprah Winfrey is brilliant, so it really doesn't matter, does it?
U of Idaho is tied with Texas Tech & San Diego State. I'm sure if you asked the average person they'd rate U of Idaho lower. It's just snobbery substituting for actually knowing anything.
In any case, getting elected in Montana or Alaska with tiny populations requires a lot less track record and fewer credentials than getting elected in California or New York.
As for her being accepted as VP candidate, the GOP just doubled down on the Obama litmus test - less than 1 term as US Senator. So you screw your argument right there - few white people would have gotten elected president with as little national experience as he had, no? And VP credentials are often much worse than presidential credentials. (who was Perot's VP candidate? Geraldine Ferraro had 6 years as Congresswoman. )
So Palin was part-time governor & Obama was part-time US Senator (though 10 years in Illinois state legislature certainly better than mayor of Wasilla) - the Republicans decided to ram the irony up our ass, and nearly succeeded.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 9:28am
As I thought,you cannot produce any Black Senator or Governor with Sarah Palin's weak multi-college weak academic record so you divert to other topics. GW bush did get push back when he tried to send Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Note that DC District Court nominee Robert Leon Wilkins has a strong background and could be a consideration for SCOTUS.
No Black woman with Harriet Miers' credentials would have been nominated for the Supreme Court by any President. Black candidates would have to reach a higher standard than Palin or Miers. Do you have any examples that contradict that statement regarding VP or SCOTUS candidates? Clarence Thomas attended Yale, Holy Cross and Yale Law.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 9:49am
Harold Ford Jr, the of Tennessee attended University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan Law
Artur Davis who ran for Governor of Alabama attended Harvard and Harvard Law
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 10:53am
I can't produce a gimp-legged one-eyed orange-haired midget with Tourette's and a bad skin disease who would be nominated for the Supreme Court either.
I really don't understand what you're trying to prove. Palin wasn't nominated for the Supreme Court. Miers was, and at least had quite long law experience and time as head of a state board, along with experience in the executive office.
It's amazing you dig into this, because Obama was billed as such a Constitutional law whiz, but he just taught a few courses and never litigated as a lawyer.
He had an incomplete term as a Senator but ran for President.
Who but a black man feeling America's hope for change would have been able to run so little qualified? Sure he was more qualified than Palin, but then that's part of why they ran Palin - to point out Obama's inexperience. He had no executive experience, his only Senatorial achievement was some archaic Cold War style agreement on controlling nuclear fuels.... yeah, fine - he went to good schools.
Al Franken has a bachelors from Harvard in government - I'd vote for him over Obama any day of the week - don't much care about a Harvard law degree if a president can't figure out that storing phone call information on 200 million people should be illegal and be considered unconstitutional.
Over to you, have fun parsing the irrelevant.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 1:45pm
SHOULD be. I'm crackin' up. LOL'n big time. That is a real knee slapper. SHOULD be, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha huh cough cough hack weez cough hack ha ha hoo.
Sorry, if I still smoked I'd quit so I could laugh longer. Should be!!! Ha! Don't get me started again. You don't seriously think a word which imparts value judgments should be used when talking about our laws and their application, do you? That's a good one even if rather quaint. What a joker.
I worked with a funny guy like you, he loved to tell jokes. Only problem was that he only knew a few of them so they got repeated over and over. To save time and get right to the good part we finally numbered them and from then on he could just say, for instance, "Number Four" and we could all laugh our asses off without having to listen again to the same ol' story. We should try it here. Like jokes about the Bill of Rights. NUMBER FOUR!!!
by A Guy Called LULU on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:35pm
Whoa there buddy, let's try NUMBER TWO, meaning executive courts or tribunals if you must, half of FOUR and 50% better than those pesky Article THREE courts. Who needs a rubber stamp judiciary when you have a military who'll try people and haze them at the same time (as
I can play Number Wang with the best of them, even if you get all conspiratorial on me. Black helicopters? Only in Henry Ford's any-color-you-want-as-long-as-black assembly line - I see 'em in purple paisley, green polkadot and mauve, chartreuse and kaleidoscope.
We live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with
gunsbroad discretion to wiretap. Who's going to do it? You?by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 2:57pm
I called Palin a nitwit along with GW and Romney. I stand by the statement.You want to defend her scholarship so have at it. I challenge the idea of a true meritocracy because nitwits like Bush, Palin and Romney were taken seriously on a political level.
If Obama had the articulation skills of GW,Obama would have been labeled dumb. If Michelle had the verbal skills and need to write notes on her hand,Michelle would have been considered dumb. If Obana had been a Candidate with Palin's educational background, he would have been considered dumb.
For statewide or national office, minority can dates have to bring more to the table from an educational standpoint than Palin. Palin is a nitwit with a poor education as manifested by her responses to questions and her fund of knowledge. Palin was able to assume a privilege and reach high elective office despite her lack of preparation.
None of the diversions you posted have done anything to challenge the fact that Palin was able to get a break not afforded to minority candidates.
i will leave you to continue your downward verbal spiral.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:38pm
RM, regarding what you just said to Peracles,
This seems to be an appropriate moment to relay a message that I sent to a Republican friend:
Whenever I send out information it's factual, fully documented, and substantiated. There’s a big difference between throwing spitballs and disseminating facts. So if the facts that I send out reflect negatively on the GOP, it's only because conservatives are engaged in negative activities. What am I suppose to do, ignore the fact that they’re leaving no stone unturned to obstruct voter rights because it casts conservatives in a bad light? I don't think so. The Germans made that mistake with the Nazis.
On the other hand, the stuff you send me is nothing more than speculation, half-truths, unsubstantiated allegations, and thoroughly debunked theories. They're things that a pouting kid would send out, not something you would expect from an educated adult - and a scientist, no less! You're supposed to be a disciplined thinker.
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. You just sent me a quote and said, "Be prepared, because it's from one of the 85% of Americans with darker skin, who also happens to lean in a conservative manner."
Now, if 85% of Americans "with darker skin" leaned conservative, where were they during the election? I mean, how could you make a statement like that to me without stopping to ask yourself that question!!?
So it seems that you, like many other conservatives, just say ANYTHING just because you like the way it sounds coming out of your mouth. You seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that it can be proven untrue with less than two minutes research. It's like all you want to do is luxuriate in the fantasy of what it would feel like if your statements were true, even if it's only for a few seconds.
But in spite of that, ordinarily I would just say fine, whatever makes Tom feel good is fine with me. But when you try to pull me into your ridiculous fantasy world, I feel like I'm being molested, because you're involving me in a form of intellectual masturbation, and I don't like that. It makes me feel unclean.
So what I'm saying is, you're free to indulge in all of the conservative fantasies that you like, but don't try to get me to join in, because to me that's the intellectual equivalent of asking me to come over and watch you play with yourself.
by Wattree on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:28pm
I get what you are saying, but I have to admit there are times when I am so bored that watching someone spew the crazy is a form of relaxation. It is interesting to watch the slow downward spiral with personal attacks and change of subject. I really don't get that upset by profanity, but it is interesting to watch it flow,.Then we finally get the Obama slam.
i realize that somehow, he feels a kinship with Palin and rushes to her defense to prove that she isn't a mental lightweight. It's amusing. Hilary Clinton is much better than Palin. Susan Rice and Samantha Powers have great intellect, Agree or disagree with their conclusions. Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann are lightweights. On the Democratic side, Carol Moseley Braun was whisked out of sight.Palin and Bachmann remain powers on the Right. We are seeing GOP Affirmative Action for Nitwits.
I'll try to control my need for amusement but the exchanges are just so tension relieving for me. Thanks for the coat tail check.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 2:49pm
RM, Coat tail check? I'm in full agreement with you.
by Wattree on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 8:17pm
It is interesting that he goes from defending her academic rcord to saying that the people of Alaska are dumb and therefore can't be expected to elect an academically qualified Governor. When the academic record of prior Governors are noted, he argues about the academic record of the schools. He pulls the University of Utah out of his rectum.
Then he pulls in Oprah Winfrey. After praising Winfrey, he says the school that she attended was trash. He says Oprah winfrey was brilliant. We can agree on Oprah's skills, but what does that have to do with Sarah Palin.
Trapped, he uses personal attacks. The problem with personal attacks is that in order to be impacted you have to think enough of the person to be wounded when they name-call. Since I don't respect his line of argument, it becomes hilarious to see him flail around. It was good fodder for laughs at a wine tasting I attended tonight.
Left with no real defense of the ignorant Sarah Palin, he pulls a Barack Obama out of his rectum. The argument now is that the Constitutional lawyer's Attorney General got courts to go along with his request for information. How dare he do something legal. Obama should have known that the legal thing that he did wasn't Constitutional. Instead of arguing that media shield laws and FISA court laws should change he just flails.
He then digs deeper into the rectal cavity and pulls out the PUMA of the "unqualified" Black man. Truly sad, but predictable.
He never points to facts that uphold the argument that Sarah Palin is brilliant, he just attacks everything to divert attention from the poilitical comedy of Sarah Palin.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 10:14pm
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 5:45am
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 9:42am
I give 5 or so examples of Alaskan governors who had no more education than Palin, to note that Alaska is different from most states. Sheffield left office 23 years ago, Hickel left office 19 years ago, Knowles 11 years ago, Murkowski 7 years ago.
I have no idea what Alvin Greene brings to the argument - I never talked about a "minority Senatorial candidate as unqualified as...." but a pornography indictment in the south is probably not a good way to start a victory campaign. Guess you took me serious looking for the "disease who would be nominated for the Supreme Court" points. Hint: as Senator Claghorn from Tennessee once said, "it's a joke, son".
The point of Oprah, if you didn't get it, is she's brilliant no matter what school she went to & what degree she got. I'd likely vote for her for many offices over people who have law degrees and what not. The whole issue of tracking Palin's college career or calling her a hoe is it misses the easy shot of how crap her grasp on reality and issues is, even though she does pretty well on speeches & soundbites (to her base), and instead just gets ugly personal for no good reason, and ends up smearing women in business & politics as a bad side effect. Guys can turn being a jock into both a money making career and a start in politics, never mind how much a brain fart someone like Jim Bunning is. Women seldom get those breaks. We even get Melissa Mayer described as a bitch coming into her CEO slot, just for trying to shake up a fumbling organization - something a CEO should normally be expected to do. Yeah, double standards exist. Despite Hillary having a Yale law degree before her husband and working on the Watergate committee, she was described as just a product of her husband. Obama's damn lucky he was born a black male and not a white or black female.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 2:42pm
Yawning again. You wander all over the map.Sarah Palin is as qualified as Alvin Greene for politics.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 3:06pm
Wow, Peracles,
You sound a little upset there, buddy. The fact is, everything I said about Palin is consistent with her character. Wasn’t she the one who slept with her husband’s business partner? So she's certainly not Mother Teresa, is she? So that’s where my $20 whoe remark came from - and I stand by it 100%. She’s certainly closer to a $20 whoe than she is a vice president. As for her educational background, I don’t care if she graduated from Harvard in a year and a half - she’s still ignorant, and everybody in America with an IQ over 80 knows it. And in that regard, let us not forget, George W. Bush graduated from Yale - with a hangover. So educational background is certainly not any indicator of intellectual acuity. So the bottom line is, Peracles, truth is often ugly, my friend - that’s why lying is so popular. If you doubt that, ask any Republican - OH! But then, you don’t have to, do ya?
by Wattree on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 4:57pm
Oh, are you reading the site that says Palin had a fetish for black men? And that's the business partner who denies any affair and still owns property with her husband? Not a lot of people get cuckolded and still own a time-share or whatever with the lover. But if the National Enquirer reports it, Wattree believes - and you're calling who ignorant? And even if Palin did sleep with him, in 2013, surely we advanced farther than a woman who has an affair is the same as a "hoe"?
"So she's certainly not Mother Teresa, is she?" Hey buddy, the only "certainly" we have is that you're a dildo. All you can do is pass around shitty internet rumors as your intellectual contribution to the den? Keep calling her a "hoe", you who was trying to say how young black men needed to show more respect to women instead of going for cheap hip-hop sexist stereotypes. All you manage to do is show how challenged you are for a real point.
There's a difference between being "stupid" and "whoe", get it? and calling a woman - politician or not - that you don't like a "hoe" is obnoxious, one you "stand by 100%". Great, you & Donald Trump can be bunkmates.
Nevertheless, the points I made with RMRD were siimply that she hadn't "dropped out" of school (unlike the governorship & her bus tour) - she continued full time until complete across several schools; and that having a law degree isn't standard for governors in Alaska, unlike larger continental states. I actually would agree that she's rather "ignorant" in many ways, but she's certainly not completely stupid - she managed to twist liberal tails up in knots during the campaign despite her shortcomings and they came within 7% of Obama despite a lot of factors working against them, and she certainly managed to nail her convention speech & tour despite limited time to prepare, and despite being a quitter - governor, bus tour - her effect on Tea Party politics again showed she could manage to cause significant damage with a sound bite. But if you want to admit we got bruised up badly by an idiot, well, go for it.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 5:45pm
Peracles seems to think Sarah Palin is labeled stupid because of her sex, not her intellect. He reaches back to a Governor elected in 1966 who had only a high school diploma. Once elected, the man could be referred to as Governor Hickel, His tenure as Governor served as a measure of his qualifications.
Peracles then mentions two Alaskan Governors who had degrees in economics as some sort of insult. Ronald Reagan earned a degree in economics and sociology from Eureka College. In Peracles' mind the multi-institution attending Palin who has provided us with many humorous quotes is equal to Oprah Winfrey.
Perhaps Peracles can provide us with examples of Palin's brilliance. Did her reality show when an Emmy? Not that an Emmy denotes great thought, but it would be an accomplishment Did she win an Pulitzer for her books? All I see so far is Peracles insulting the state of Alaska by suggesting that a state filled with uneducated people could not be expected to elect anyone better qualified than Sarah Palin.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 5:46pm
She did not "drop out" of college, the basic irrefutable fact I pointed out.
All else is just you covering up your basic mistake. (re: "insulting Alaska", having a law degree isn't always a sign of common sense or decency, as Eric Holder continues to prove, and as previous AG's showed - Alberto Gonzales?)
Wattree's need to call women "hoes" is another issue.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 6:13pm
You argue that Sarah Palin is not stupid. Please show us examples of her brilliance. You divert to University of Utah, economics degrees as equal to a high school diploma, gender discrimination. Please provide support for Palin's brilliance.
Regarding your diversion to Eric Holder, it appears that everything that was/is being done is legal. The departments have gone through courts. The NSA has to get a court order to go deeper into phone records.
When private calls were intercepted in 2009, the breach was reported to the secret court. People were scared post 911 and crazy laws were passed. A special court system was established. The crazy laws need to be overturned. What gets classified as secret needs to be reviewed, The number of people with access to secret documents needs to be dramatically reduced.
Congress was in the loop. The public is going to have to pressure politicians to loosen the reigns. This will only happen if the public believes that giving up a little freedom to gain a little security is not a good trade off.
The big problem is what is legal and the data private corporations have on us.
Now back to Sarah Palin. Dan Qualye was labeled stupid. Rick Perry forgot the third agency he would close......Oops. Perry was labeled stupid. Alvin Greene was labeled stupid. What makes Sarah Palin different from the aforementioned gentlemen.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 6:35pm
I don't agree with calling women prostitutes, whores or female dogs. I didn't respond to that part of your post, not out of neglecting women, but because of my lack of respect for you.
I don't believe that someone as willing to let profanity fly and willing to bring up the unqualified Black man in the White House actually has standards. I think you're looking for an attack on Wattree more than defending women.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 6:47pm
Well, you may find this hard to believe, but I don't give a fuck whether you "respect" me. You don't respect women enough to stand up against bullshit, you don't respect the poor to worry about their plight, you don't care about unemployment, you don't care about wars, you don't respect the Constitution, you're just concerned about your bromance with Obama & whether one of these attacks might hurt him.
And no, I don't want to fight with Wattree and wish he didn't put up racist cartoons of Cornel West and resort to stupid sexist epithets for female politicians. Jesus, after about 100,000 words of text, I'd think you'd get that by now. I once upon a time thought I had some common ground with him concerning Eulipians and what not, but that proved to be a phantasmagoria.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 8:04pm
Back to yawning. You've been pretty boring. Faux tears about women but able to spew off unqualified Black man without problem. You are without honor.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 8:22pm
A single less-qualified (not "unqualified") black man, and you think you have a point?
Bring back Jesse Jackson for someone who could rouse a multicultural crowd and maintain a humane perspective. Bet Jackson wouldn't go for unrestricted drones and handing over all call records.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 8:27pm
Rmrd, please avoid ad hominems, thank you.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 9:34am
Just for my clarication, was it the without honr comment? I didn't think it was over the line after being called a moron. If without honor crossed the line, then I apologize to Peracles.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 9:54am
Sorry, I missed that. Obviously, the moron comment crossed the line, and I have erased it.
"Without honor" is mild but fits the pattern of personal snipes and provocations that you've both been engaging in. This a ToS warning to both you and Peracles.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 10:55am
Understood. Thanks for clarifying.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 10:58am
Thank you for respecting our terms.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 11:29am
Sarah Palin has a college degree, not a high school diploma - again swinging for high outside pitches. U of Idaho by-the-way, not that it matters much. Didn't say she was "brilliant" - said she didn't drop out. Would appreciate if you would quit trying to switch topics to what I didn't say.
Lovely that everything that Holder did was legal. Apparently all the firing of Attorneys under Bush was legal too. As was our march into Iraq. And the 5 year detention & finally trial of Jose Padilla. As was our extrajudicial killing of Al Awlaki and his son in separate raids.
Note the NSA doesn't have to do a fucking thing to get to all the phone records they want (as well as bank records, credit card records, etc.). They supposedly have to go to a rubber-stamp FISA court to actually record calls within the US, but since we're not allowed to question in court anything the NSA does, you nor I know anything about how extensive their dragnet efforts are.
And FISA gives near 100% approval of everything asked for, so how much of a check is it? From Salon:
To conclude - Sarah Palin didn't "drop out". It's stupid to pretend she did. Yes, she's said a lot of stupid shit - though much of it's been effective anyway (or because it's controversially stupid). And she managed to kick a lot of liberal butt in her "you betcha" kinda way - should make us feel a bit chagrined rather than supercharged about being superior. If she's a ditz, she made us look even stupider as a ditz kicking our ass. But Rachel Maddow can debate these points endlessly to 1% of the US viewing audience. We are awesome, no?
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 8:24pm
You're still babbling. Interesting. Wish I had time to read it. Not.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 9:01pm
TL;DR version:
Obama Admin running amok on civil liberties
Sane people should be worried & protesting
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 1:40am
So you have given up trying to defend the ignorant Sarah Palin. There are multiple posts dealing with the NSA and FISA. You have commented in any of those posts. Since you realize that Palin is a nitwit like Dan Qualye and Alvin Greene, and you can't use a gender- bias to reject the label of stupidity, you use a diversion.
The protest has to include the amount of data we allow everyone from corporations to government to accumulate about us. Unfortunately in the Facebook era, privacy has been markedly diminished. When Facebook openly admitted how much information was being gathered, the protest should have begun.
We can bet that China, North Korea, Russia and others are having a feast on our reasonable data without our knowledge. The protest cuts a much larger field than you imagine.
Yes there should be pushback. Even with the protests, Sarah Palin remains a nitwit .As, I said before diversion is the only technique one can use in attempting to defend Palin's intellect.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 8:02am
I grew up seeing the unequal treatment of black and white and have also seen some of the inner workings of what "being white together" looks like. So I have no problem with the identity politics that struggles to change that. I would be the last one to argue the struggle is over.
But your call to overcome white supremacy makes me wonder about what you really want. If you succeed in erasing this particular line of privilege, will there no longer be a "black" community? I understand your call to resist those who accept the labels of "outsiders" to define themselves. Is there an "inside" definition that would separate blacks from whites after the lines of privilege are erased?
by moat on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 8:11pm
The argument seems to suggest that there is no Black community without a White one in contrast. To be honest both groups care for family, friends and a peaceful existence. We can listen to different music, read different things, watch different things and happily co=exist.
We will have different perceptions. Take the Medea Benjamin and Erica Sturz episodes. Benjamin posted a guide for Michelle Obama to follow when confronted by hecklers. The Sturz episode can be viewed as speaking truth to power, but at another level it is a White woman yelling at a Black woman. Benjamin was a wide-eyed, open-mouthed White woman yelling at a Black President. Benjamin' s heckler guide is a White woman instructing a Black woman on how to behave. There is racial baggage. There was a strong negative twitter explosion among Black users.
I don't expect White activists to stop getting in the face of the Obamas. I don't expect some Black activists or voters to view the confrontations as anything but White privilege. There will be disagreements. CodePink actually apologized for the actions of GetEQUAL. The sides will come together when there is a common interest.
The sides are not obligated to agree but to discuss disagreements openly as equals.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 9:00pm