The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The data center for the NSA appears to have a scaling issue

    WSJ article. It seems that the electrical system inside the center randomly arcs, destroying a lot of equipment. That's a plural arcs. Almost once a month in the last year; with a destroyed equipment cost around $100,000 each time. That's before multiple consultants to identify the problem were paid and before the repairs were made.


    These are the guys that missed warnings about the Boston Bombers and didn't  realize that Snowden was pilfering data. This is not surprising. They are the ones who would go on a snipe hunt at 3 AM in the rain.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Lol--it's my mom! Like her, they should learn to put the nice stuff away in a closet and only bring it out when you need to use it for some "for good" time in the future. Which would usually mean never.

    Thanks for the two really nice laughs you've given me.

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