by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Just imagine what it will be like at Mass this weekend in New York. I say that because I was educated by Nuns and went to Mass almost everyday until I was 13 years old. It won't be political but there will be sermons on the theme of moral economy and ecology with prayer.
Aside for pleading for divine intervention, it was kind of a bizarre move, or maybe a Hail Mary play. 48 hours basically wasted 4 days before a very key primary to go to a conference... If it pulls in the Catholic vote, fine, but if not, may have wasted the chance for tens of thousands of votes in last-minute campaigning, just for 5 minutes with the Pope or a conference on wealth inequality 1/3 of the way around the world.
(I thought the Pope did a great job on his US visit, and can see obvious reasons for a meetup, but now?)
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 5:32pm
He was invited to attend a conference on economic and social justice. It was held on the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II third encyclical, April 15,1991. He did three of these in a series and this was the last one, .Centesimus annus.
My mother was a devout Catholic and was a big fan of Pope John Paul II and any thing he did she would tell me about it. She would have been thrilled to know that he was made a saint in 2014. This was how important of a figure he was to many of the members of the Church.
Sanders' wife is Irish Catholic and one of their kids and two grandkids went along on this trip. This was probably a really special honor for them.
Why did they invite him because they probably wanted some one that was like minded from North America since they had invited someone from South America. It was probably done in the spirit of Pope John Paul because he reached out all over the world and built bridges to other religions included Judaism. He was also one of the most political Popes in modern history.
It is probably hard for you to wrap your mind around this. I don't think he has spent his whole life wanting to be president. He was encouraged to run when Warren refused.
The Sanders' campaign sent down the grass roots grape vine yesterday that they needed 15,000 volunteers to make 2 million phone calls to New York. This afternoon I checked and there was a little over 13,000 doing just that in the on line phone banking system. I think his supporters are doing a fine job of covering for him while he was gone. Hillary is in California shaking the money tree and not in New York. He is now back in New York.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 11:24pm
The numbers just came out on today's Sanders' phone bank numbers to New York. They made 1.3 million calls today. Not bad for the first day of a 2 day sprint.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 12:58am
I thought he went there cause he's a Tom Hanks fan ;-)
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 1:07am
LOL...He is a good man. He is just trying to save capitalism from it self and before it destroys the world.
Love him or hate him, his campaign's ground game ROCKS! After spending 40 years pounding on doors, phone calling and driving people to the polls for the Democratic Party, I have never seen anything like it. They have organized rallies and marches all over New York this week end. Twitter feed has been full of pictures from their local effort. All hands on deck in New York right now. Then it will move on to the next batch of states.
There has been a grass roots discontent that has been flying under the radar for the last 12 years that has been tapped into by Sanders. Sanders said "I will do this but I need your help." They said "sure we have got your back. Just give us the tools." Sanders put together a team that did that. The grass roots has kept his war chest full of money and organized locally and on social media. Sanders has not had to fund raise, that is historic all by it self.
My guess historians will write many books about this election cycle.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 9:22am
Last minute push reminds me why I like Hillary - detailed, full of energy, nothing too small. Article notes it's not the phone-bank type effort that Bernie gets.
From comments section:
Most important, I think this is how stuff will get done in an administration, as the "digital town halls" never seem to materialize aside from the chaotic morass of the blogosphere.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 04/19/2016 - 3:04am
If Clinton is elected President as you so fervently hope, what would she have to do that would persuade you that you made a terrible mistake backing her and that you should have listened to me? Here are nine actions she could take (or not take) that would persuade I was wrong about her.
1) She doesn't push for any "free trade" bills and vetoes those presented to her.
2) She works hard to raise top marginal tax rates above 50% on those earning over $1 million and calls those who oppose her bought and paid for establishment shills.
3) She eliminates the income cap on social security withholding.
4) She increases funding for international aid and decreases military spending, brings our troops home, and stops killing Muslims.
5) She appoints pro-economic justice economists, including those with close ties to labor unions, as her top economic advisors and pro-peace foreign policy advisors to head her foreign policy team.
6) She launches a War on Poverty 2.0.
7) She pushes for a very significant fossil fuels tax.
8) She calls for tariffs to bring jobs home.
9) She greatly expands (or tries to expand) the access and affordability of healthcare and education for poor, working, and middle-class Americans.
by HSG on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 9:01am
How many of these things would your candidate accomplish?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 9:08am
Only #1
Everything else calls for coalition-building and cooperation. Something he has no experience with.
by CVille Dem on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 1:14pm