by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Landon Thomas, Jr. @ Dealbook @ New York Times, March 12
[....] “And now we have seen this huge spike in small-business confidence since the election,” Mr. Korzenik said, pointing to a chart. “So I have to ask you: Do you feel more confident now?”
There was a moment of silence, broken only by a howling northwestern Ohio wind that rattled the floor-to-ceiling windows in the bank’s boardroom.
Then, with rapid-fire speed, came the responses.
The president of a trucking company spoke of a “tremendous dark cloud” lifting when he realized he would no longer be feeling the burden of rules and regulations imposed by the Obama administration.
The owner of an automotive parts assembler gave thanks that he would not be receiving visits from pesky environmental and workplace overseers.
And the head of a seating manufacturer expressed hope that, finally, his health care costs would come down when the Affordable Care Act was repealed.
“My gut just feels better,” said Bob Fleisher, president of a local car dealership. “With Obama, you felt it was personal — like he just didn’t want you to make money. Now we have a guy who is cutting regulations and taxes. And when I see my taxes going down every quarter — well, that means I am going to start investing again.” [....]
Optimism Among Small-Business Owners Soars
by artappraiser on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 5:01am
A rather huge deal - how impacted *were* small business owners under Obama rules, vs. some kind of hype & over-reaction? (people's reactions aren't always rational, but we'd be well-served to consider there's some important problematic issue here)
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 7:39am
Obama's stimulus kept many businesses from going under
Americans are better off after 8 years of Obama, but non-college graduates lag
Small business feels that it is drowning in regulations.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 8:00am
At the Fox link they
- unsurprisingly misparaphrase Hillary on visas vs. immigration,
- rue that businesses with 50 people have to provide health care,
- rue that companies can no longer offer unpaid internships (some marketing / ad agency here was offering an unpaid 6-month internship - great if you can get free workers forever. I'm sure they still charge their clients).
- of course rant against increasing the paid overtime threshold to $47.5K
- not sure what the patent trolls have to do with small businesses
- gave a misleading metric for # of federal regulations
All in all, a tough way to hold a debate, but I guess we still gotta have it
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 10:00am
Other than that Fox was entirely reasonable, I take it???
by Bruce Levine on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 10:09am
Business is always under seige under Democrats even though they rescued the auto industry.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 10:39am
They're not the anti-business party for nothing.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 10:48am
(people's reactions aren't always rational, but we'd be well-served to consider there's some important problematic issue here)
Precisely the reason I posted it and I suspect it's also the reason the NYTimes published this.Not to mention it syncs with my personal experience. I think it's a major problem for the Dem party for a a long time, one that has nothing to do with the whole southern state strategy thing, but does have to do with the Reagan Democrat phenom. And I think it is not all imaginary though it shouldn't be laid at Obama's feet, it definitely can be laid at the feet of some Dem party ideology. I see the difference for friends and associates in small business between Bloomberg and DeBlasio administrations and also going back to Koch/Dinkins vs. Guliani. What happens nationally is the business-friendly moderates like Obama and Hillary get tarred as regulating liberal socialists of the party at large. Somehow Bill Clinton managed to avoid much of this tarring as to small business people, probably because he was such an huge talent at economic wonk talk. He just never seemed like the type to be waxing passionate about regulating this or that, what he waxed passionately about is harnessing people power
Edit to add: "incentivizing" ad nauseum is one of the problems. Building so many incentives into the tax system for this or that or another thing just makes more paperwork for the smallest and one-person businesses that they simply have no time for! So they are at a disadvantage to the bigger guys. It's nearly impossible for a sole proprietor to follow all the rules in NYC. You have huge overhead from the getgo because you've always got to be hiring people to help you follow the rules. Even simple free lancers have a tough time doing that. Many are known to avoid incorporating and hiring because it turns them into a manager no longer doing the work they went into business to do.
I know more than a few former Dems that have turned GOP once gone into business for themselves. So for whatever reason, they believe that Dem government stymies them more.
by artappraiser on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 2:22pm
MacombCounty speaks - will we listen? Part crazy as loons, but it's America after all. They'll be disappointe and then what?
Also on the small businesses complaining - what did they think about $15 minimum wage? No one seems to try for a big picture - running from bandaid to bandaid.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 6:20pm
I skimmed it, it looks like a good report. But it also points out for me that the small business voters for him would only intersect on some points and not on others.
As to your question, I don't know any small (and I'm talking really small, I don't know any of the type with more than 10 people working for them) business people that feel strongly against raising the minimum wage. They complain more about lousy workers vs. their good workers. Good workers they are willing to pay more than minimum wage already. But not health insurance, that's the bitch for them, when they are forced to pay health insurance before they are ready to afford it. So they don't hire, even though they'd like to hire, if it means they have to buy health insurance too. They just make do, hire temps and part time and cash workers, whatever, if growing means that major outlay and headache of buying health insurance
Other things: unlike the working people in the report,I would guess most are not anti-immigrant in the least, if anything, of course, we know some are willing to hire illegals. And I don't mean to exploit, I mean because they are the ones standing there begging for work and give indication of being willing to work hard. They'll risk getting caught, even risk paying cash, for a good worker. It's basically the same with anyone hiring a cleaning lady or a babysitter, is it not?
One thing I have heard more than once is that they didn't trust Hillary. Even from highly educated friends in business for themselves. They trusted Obama and they trusted Bill Clinton, but did not feel Hillary genuinely pro-business at all. Or genuine about nearly anything. Like this:she'd talk the growth talk but as soon as elected she'd be giving all the money to "the children" and siding with the Bernie types. Basically she was seen as a "tax and spend" liberal and a liar too. So seeing that on this site and elsewhere there was such a vehement Bernie vs. Hillary thing going on, sounded ridiculous to me.
by artappraiser on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 7:09pm
Well, if $15/hour hit a business currently paying $7.25 (not New York, mind you), it'd be a bigger hit than paying insurance. Of course they were against paying overtime for anyone making over $23,660 a year, or roughly $11.80 an hour. So explain how all this comes together.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 7:33pm