by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
One of the low points of Michael Cohen’s open testimony to the House was when Mark Meadows trotted out Black Republican Lynn Patton as proof that Trump could not be racist because a lack woman would not work for a racist. Patton stood mute. Rep. Rashida Tlaib was outspoken about calling Meadow’s use of a black woman as a prop was a racist act. The WaPo notes that because Meadow’s went into his wounded white boy “How dare you call me a racist” act, people of color on the committee had to placate his feelings.
here’s what happened:
- Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), head of the Freedom Caucus and a close ally of the president, brought in Lynne Patton to stand up behind him awkwardly for a few moments, thereby attesting by virtue of her presence that Trump cannot possibly be a racist. Because look, here’s a black person who worked for Trump at his company and was given a high position in the administration.
- Multiple Democratic representatives made critical comments about Meadows bringing Patton to the hearing, noting that you can have a black friend or a black employee and still be a racist. That this needs to be said in 2019 is rather remarkable, but in any case, it culminated with Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who called out Meadows this way: "The fact that someone would use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee is alone racist in itself."
- Meadows then interrupted to ask that Tlaib’s words be “taken down,” a procedure by which a member can be rebuked for a personal insult to another member. “If anyone knows my record as it relates — it should be you, Mr. Chairman,” he said with rising emotion, referring to Rep. Elijah Cummings, who is black.
- Tlaib reiterated that as her words had made clear, she was referring not to the contents of Meadows’s heart but to his decision to parade Patton in front of the committee. That’s the most appropriate and persuasive way to deal with something like this, by putting the focus on what he did, not who he is. “I am not calling the gentleman, Mr. Meadows, a racist for doing so,” she said. “I’m saying that in itself it is a racist act.”
- With Meadows getting visibly angry and beginning to shout, Cummings asked Tlaib to repeat for a second time that she was not calling Meadows a racist. “You were not intending to call Mr. Meadows a racist, is that right?” he said. She responded, “No, Mr. Chairman, I did not call Mr. Meadows a racist.”
- Meadows was not placated. “There’s nothing more personal to me than my relationship — my nieces and nephews are people of color,” he said, his face reddening and his voice rising. “Not many people know that. You know that, Mr. Chairman. And to indicate that I asked someone who is a personal friend of the Trump family, who has worked for him, who knows this particular individual, that she’s coming in to be a prop? It’s racist to suggest that I asked her to come in here for that reason!” He went on: “Mr. Chairman, you and I have a personal relationship that’s not based on color.”
- Cummings then felt it necessary to offer his personal testimony attesting to his friendship with Meadows, acknowledge and validate his anger (“I could see and feel your pain”), and give Tlaib the opportunity to repeat for a third time that she had not called Meadows a racist.
Just to be clear, there’s no doubt that Patton was at that hearing to be a prop, no less than the giant poster with a picture of Cohen and the words “Liar liar pants on fire” that Republicans on the committee displayed at one point (yes, that actually happened). Patton wasn’t testifying; she was there to be photographed, her blackness a supposed rebuke to the idea that Trump is a racist.
Here is what Tlaib said
He blew up only when Ms. Tlaib said his use of Ms. Patton was a racist act: “Just because a person has a person of color, a black person, working for them does not mean they aren’t racist,” she said, referring to Mr. Trump. “And it is insensitive, and some would even say the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself, ” Ms. Tlaib concluded, meaning Mr. Meadows.
That’s when Mr. Meadows lost it, insisting that Ms. Tlaib’s comments about him be stricken from the record and whipping out the “some of my best friends are black” defense.
Here is Mark Meadows in full Birther mode in 2012 vowing to send Obama back to Kenya. This is the man who had to be placated.
Lynne Patton appeared on FoxNews to defend Trump and rejecting the idea that she is a prop.
Patton is Trump’s black friend.
Juan Williams got a bit too uppity for FoxNews’ Gregg Gutfield and Jesse Waters when he suggested the two were in the tank for Trump.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 02/28/2019 - 10:44pm
by artappraiser on Thu, 02/28/2019 - 11:23pm
Lynne Patton’s willingness to side with the racists reminds me of a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr. We all know that Malcolm X once labeled King an Uncle Tom.
We forget what Martin said about Uncle Toms.
From a sermon “The American Dream” delivered at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on July 4, 1965.
I think King would have criticized Lynne Patton.
Martin and Malcolm we’re coming closer to eac other as time went on. Martin was becoming more militant and Malcolm was becoming more moderate
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 12:29am
and maybe MLK would be happy to know that by 2019, a black woman could be in the position of being able to proudly hang with and support right wingers and a nutty president, another black woman could make money writing a book turning on the same, a dense right wing black man with a kooky white right-wing activist wife could sit at the Supreme Court table, another black woman and a black man could be a warmongering Secretary of State under a Republican ....
Maybe maybe maybe,
maybe if he lived forever he would see that things had changed from 1965 and would have different, new opinions about things that were no longer just race-based opinions. Maybe he didn't intend 1965 statements to be a bible that had to be followed and decoded for eternity. Maybe he would be able to see that now that a person of color had served as president ,and more people of color running for president, and in the current situation there were things like a conservative anti-abortionist black neurosurgeon doing a career switch running for president and ending up serving as HUD Secretary, all kinds of people of color in elected office, time to pivot from talking all the time about people being judged for the color of their skin. Maybe he would realize that there will always be some racists and tribalists among any population and in a democracy some would be elected along with non-racists and they would be part of society just like people of color. Maybe he would move on to judging more about political opinions.
I just really don't think the 1965 bible tells us what his political opinions in this day and age would be. I do strongly suspect he would not be into dissing blacks for making a choice to be a conservative Republican, but I am not sure. That's because I did take him at his word that it was real important that black people were assimilated and integrated into society and not forever having to be on one tribal team with one unified and certified litmus-tested political opinion. And that those of color who deviated from majority political opinions would not be treated as traitors to tribe but instead debated for their opinions.
by artappraiser on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 6:15am
Interesting. In your world, King would have no problem with black people who sided with a racist president?Do you really think that King would be rebuking Reverend Barber? Conservatives have actually argued that King would be on their side. Even the Pentagon said King would support their actions
A Denver newspaper wanted us to celebrate King while its editorial page opposed the ability of workers to unionize. King was assassinated fighting unions.
The attempt to change King’s message is common. The idea tat he would celebrate a black woman being used as a prop is laughable. The person closest to him, his wife Coretta, was carrying his banner when she opposed the appointment of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to the federal bench.
King would not be supporting Patton’s use as a prop.
Edit to add:
The only concrete evidence we have on King is what he said when he was alive. We judge the founding fathers as slave owners. The King we know from the historical record would not have supported Patton.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 9:15am
by artappraiser on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 5:11am
Here is how her resume reads via Wikipedia
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 8:41am
Patton was a diversion. The issue is the clear racism of Donald J Trump
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 8:54am
Racist jokes were common in the Trump Organization hierarchy according to a former Trump construction executive. This was in the 1980s.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 9:27am
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks for writing about this!
by Danny Cardwell on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 2:55pm
Thanks Danny. Hope that you are doing well and surviving in Virginia. Those of us outside VA are hearing about the First Lady, cotton, and black children. I don’t know if you feel that things have improved.
Now we have a delegate in Maryland who refuses to step down.
1619-2019. There is still a lot of work to do.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 3:20pm
The deceptive thing was that the first lady gave cotton only to some black children - she gave it to every child afaik. Sure, when I was a kid we were handed raw cotton to get an idea what the cotton gin saved and why the manpower intensive cotton industry expanded, leading to the expansion of slavery.
I'm also used to kids touring concentration camps and gas chambers to understand atrocities of the past.
Would it be better if the First Lady ignored Virginia's slave past and the history it's still dealing with? What do you expect should be done instead?
[She could of course tell the black kids, "see those white kids over there? They owe you." That would be socially helpful.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 3:46pm
Yep cotton is the only way to discuss slavery after your husband just had a blackface scandal.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 4:17pm
I know she should call you and clear every shit she takes for potential faux pas.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 4:59pm
Nice attempt at diversion from her dropping feces on the healing process. Hopefully, November will be a referendum on Trump, not Northam.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 6:44pm
You don't want a healing process - you want an eternal embitterment process. Who you gonna judge tomorrow? Who'll let you down tomorrow?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 7:12pm
The reason the story is out there is because she screwed up. I am making comments on a blog. I don’t live in Virginia. I have no impact on the First Lady of Virginia. The parents of the students involved voiced their displeasure. Those words may have impact.
Personally, I think that it is selfish for Northam to stay in office. He bungled his response. Republicans will Hae a field day. Fair fax got a pass because Northam remained in office. The Black Caucus wasn’t going to go after Fairfax if Northam stayed. Fairfax is going to be reviewed by Republicans in the legislature. Northam stayed.Fairfax stayed. Black women’s complaints were pushed aside by the Democrats who did the political thing instead of the moral thing. If Northam/Fairfax are the issue in November, Republicans will control the Virginia legislature.
I am Afrocentric. Northam should be gone. Who are the two guys in the photo and what impact are they having on minorities today? Northam stands mute. I am Afrocentric. Fairfax should have been investigated by the Democrats. If the stories of the two black women are credible, Fairfax should be impeached. Black women should be respected. This is a core principle of Afrocentrism. If Fairfax was accused by two white women, he should be investigated. The basis of the original concept of identity politics is intersectionality. Women should not be abused by men.
Northam was told not to come to Virginia Union University by the student leadership. I don’t attend Virginia Union. I don’t think that I know anyone at Virginia Union. You can rant at me for voicing an opinion, but it is Virginians expressing their feelings about the Governor and First Lady forcing the issue.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 9:16pm
Personally, I think that it is selfish for Northam to stay in office
You say your litmus tests are about getting the GOP out of power and keeping the GOP out of power, but you leave out all about # 3 and # 4 in line for the governorship. Simply as a matter of fact and reasoning, it's not at all clear to me why you think that having a Republican governor who won the tied race for a legislative seat by having his name drawn from a bowl, would help Dems win the legislature in Nov. Seems quite a zany way of winning over the populace.
The problem with #3 and #4, as explained by Philip Bump of WaPo, Feb. 6
It just looks to me that if you are a Virginian and you are what rmrd labels as "Afrocentric" and being "Afrocentric" is your priority, a priority over supporting the Dem Party, then the Dem party of Virginia is not for you. If you support the Dem Party of VA as a priority, then you might support Northam staying, like polls showed most Virginian Afro-Americans did. If you want to be an Afrocentric first, then you are not allout for the Dem party of VA.
I just can't understand any scenario where the governor being a Republican for the next four years, one who got 50% of the vote of his district, would help Dems win the legislature. Neither do I see it helping if a governor is someone who is being investigated and then impeached would help. By what logic will it help Virginia Dems if these 3 Dems all leave?
Edit to add: Keep in mind that polling shows most Virginian Afro-Americans apparently are not "Afrocentric" enough for you. In a way, they don't pass your litmus test, either; they're like too amorally practical or something?
by artappraiser on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 10:36pm
P.S. To be clear: I'm not trying to criticize about anything but political logic here. I'm saying: it would make sense if you want candidates to be that pure, that it's not about winning, it's about being morally correct according to your standards. That you'd rather be with a morally correct minority party than a more inclusive and flexible majority party. That would be an opinion that made sense.
by artappraiser on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 10:39pm
You phrase it as forming a purity party. We start with blackface and then get cotton handed to children by the First Lady. An accused sexual harasser remains as second in command.
Republicans have been silent on Mark Meadows
In Maryland, a Democratic state delegate said that a majority black county was a nigger area. She was censured, bu refused to resign. If Republicans and Democrats stay in office after the crazy, how soon before we find no difference in tolerating the Steve Kings on our side? There are concerns about Israel becoming an apartheid state. Would it e purity part politics to condemn anti-Semitism? There is no current push by Democrats to remove Fairfax, That is a direct result of Northam remaining in office. That is tribalism, not simply tribal. Anyone in our group is better than the other guys. Drip....drip...drip. It cannot end well. The fact that only 36% are concerned about Fairfax is disturbing.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 03/02/2019 - 12:03am
I said Northam remains in office. He has been weakened. We will see if Democrats win the legislature in November. If Republicans win Northam is of no value. Your little review left that out. Black women and women in general may not come out because Fairfax remains.
Mid-February poll puts Northam at 39% approve 44% disapprove
48% Northam should remain in office. 42% Northam should resign
For Trump in Virginia
36% approve. 59% disapprove
Hopefully, the First Lady of Virginia doesn’t have access to more cotton.
Edit to add:
Fairfax at 36% approve, 36% disapprove, and 28% no opinion in mid-February
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/01/2019 - 11:39pm
Apparently, Lynne Parton was hoping to star in a reality television series featuring Black Republicans
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 03/02/2019 - 5:51pm
Parton quote from the article: God forbid a black Republican is in the room based upon her own merit and can think for herself. But it’s a scarlet letter I wear with pride.
Sucks for the Afro-centric crew that the more equality there is, the less the tribal ties bind, eh? Equality also means free to not be a forever victim, go for the reality show or go for the GOP if you see potential there. Realizing that not everyone can be a rapper, a basketball star or a racial activist.
I honestly don't know what MLK would think. The only thing I am sure of is that he wouldn't be saying the same things he said and doing the things he did in 1965. Because he was wise already then.
There are few if any human saints, rmrd. Can't run a democracy hoping for saints.
by artappraiser on Sat, 03/02/2019 - 7:08pm
Just noticed this. Trump is a racist. It is doubtful that Martin Luther King Jr. would applaud a black toady who supported Trump. He would be repulsed by Diamond & Silk. Criticizing Black Republicans who support Trump is a rational thing to do. Glad to see that you view Kanye’s profanity laced rant at the White House as black freedom.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 03/09/2019 - 1:00pm