The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Imagine if a Healthy Ted Kennedy Were President

    (NOTE: This blog entry was inspired by a discussion on another blog castigating Ted Kennedy for failing to "get out of the way." Thanks, maggie!)

    Imagine if Ted Kennedy were President today in place of Barack Obama. How might these health care discussions have proceeded if they were promoted by a Leader who could bring passion and a good share of Progressive ideology to the effort?

    First, let's take a look at what Kennedy would bring to the fight for universal health care coverage. For this, I offer a review of comments previously made in the blog linked to above (You might want to review for full context, including a look at the Chapaquiddick episode in Kennedy's life):

    Importantly, for me, I have not seen any personal integrity issues that have bore a negative impact on his conduct as a Senator. Indeed, as a Senator from Massachusetts, he has shown remarkable statesmanship and leadership and integrity on a wide range of issues that are important to Progressives including health care, labor, women's rights, civil rights, the environment and many more. In the cesspool that is Washington, I have never had to question who "owns" Kennedy; never had to suffer him selling out to the highest bidder, but instead have been very proud to see him champion the good fight for those who are so poorly represented in pay-to-play politics.

    Furthermore, I've never seen him demagogue an issue, nor have I seen him feel compelled to engage in fear-mongering ("They're going to kill grandma!") or other dishonest hyperbole in an attempt to confuse people into working against their own self-interest.

    As a United States Senator, Kennedy will always stand as one of a few in history who will serve as an example of what representative government is all about and how it can be effectively engaged. Would that there were a few more like him in the Senate, instead of the corporate whores that are so numerous and so corrupt as to actually legitimize the corporations as our "extreme benefactors" rather than the for-profit parasites they too often truly are.

    The Presidency IS all about LEADERSHIP!

    Especially now.

    This country is starved for the kind if inspiring leadership Kennedy is capable of providing - no concerns about being "sold out to the highest bidder." No mealy-mouthed DLC attempts at "bi-partisanship" in steering a rudderless ship. Instead, Kennedy as President would have modelled for us deeply held principles that would guide us all to a better outcome; principles which even his political enemies would know are inviolable. We would be offered inspiring speeches of substance of the kind offered by his brothers, Martin Luther King, FDR, and all the Progressives in our past who put us so closely in touch with "the better Angels of our nature."

    Obama has all the skills to provide such leadership. Unfortunately, he has yet to exhibit the passion or the conviction of principles to lead with authority. And into the vacuum has stepped the jackals of Washington to spread their fear and hatred and prejudice and political opportunism that effectively stokes the fires of intolerance; that inspires the people not to reach forward, but rather withdraw into a dog-eat-dog fight against one another; that leaves the door open for the Insurance Industry lobbyists and all the rest of the parasites and profiteers to define the message in such irresponsible a fashion as we've witnessed ("They're going to kill Grandma!" fer chrissakes!).

    Yeah, just for a moment take a step back and imagine: How might this all be different right now if a healthy Ted Kennedy were President? Would we even be discussing the viability of a "public option," concerned that it might not be allowed by the insurance industry? Or would we be inspired - righteously angry and indignant and empowered - to instead insist we stick it in the neck of these parasites and their bought-and-paid for whores in Washington to achieve the reforms that would truly serve us in gaining health care for everyone?

    "We can do this!" I can hear Kennedy saying. "We once put a man on the moon. And in a similar effort to reach beyond ourselves, we can take on and succeed in this challenge to establish health care as a right for every one of our fellow Americans. Rise up, and let the naysayers be damned. We're still Americans, and we still take care of our own."

    And this is only addressing the health care debate. Imagine Kennedy on the War in Afghanistan and the War of Choice in Iraq; on torture; on abuses of the Executive; and on all the other unfinished business from the Bush/Cheney years that sits within the body politic as a cancer threatening to go malignant in the absence of any interventions.

    We have established in this last election that we are collectively ready for change in this country. Yeah, just imagine if a healthy Ted Kennedy were President to honor that desire for change by providing the leadership required to make it happen.