The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Am I the only one who missed this?

    So, I've been out of the loop for a few weeks (and heading back out again). Spent a bit of time wandering around catching up on my regular spots and came across this post by at 43rd state blues highlighting some WH PR on Obama's plan for how to deal with Bush tax cuts. Am I the only one who hasn't seen it yet?

    While I'm best known for criticizing Obama of late, he's spot-on with how to deal with the Bush tax cuts. That seems to be a pretty overwhelming consensus in America. I thought the video was pretty damn good.




    There. I did my "nice stuff for the WH" duty 2010. Check.

     Dayum . . . That video is spot on ...


    Where's that been buried all this time.

    Or was it just recently released?

    Thanks for the post.


    Looks like it's been around for a few weeks. I figured maybe I'd just missed it as I'm technically on a self-imposed blog restriction (which I am totally fudging on at this moment)  ... wasn't even sure if I should post something that old in this age of instant information.

    The original site where I found the vid lamented nobody was talking about it, so I figured it was worth giving a bump. Glad it was useful to some folks.


    Cool video; Goolsbee fanclubs are forming as we type.  ;o) says it was put up Septmeber 30.  Goolsbee said the R tax cut extensions 'would be one of the least effective uses of money' or something close; he might have said it was one of the worst, especially if he thought so.

    Thank you for this video.

    Finally the Dems are framing a relatively simple issue in terms that even some of the more simple minds among us might understand.  Thanks for the link/vid.

    Well you're not the only one who missed it and I wouldn't have seen it but for this.  Thanks, KGB.  I hope it gets around.  And good on you. 

    I like the real time effect. But pointing at a big red circle is too abstract. I'd rather he took his chalk and wrote an example on the board.


    Start by saying: Think of Mike Millionaire. He  earns


    Then says and his taxes before Bush used to be


    Then Bush cut them to                 189,000  


    Obama  thinks they should be      250,000


    Provided it's not much longer than that the audience would stay with it. They'd be waiting to see what he wrote next.


    * these are all made up numbers, just to illustrate the approach.




    I've tried to see this video three times now and, although it starts, it stops at about 30 seconds and goes no further.

    This is not a complaint -- I'm interested in this, which I have seen highlighted no where else.

    Can you reload it?

    Hmmm strange that it only goes part way through - usually this sort of thing works or doesn't. The "embed" box didn't work when I was creating the post, so I coded it manually, but the vid should be streaming from the WH servers.

    Stardust put a direct link to the WH site upthread ....

    Try it from their site, see if that works.

    It worked fine for me from here, kgb.  But that was this afternoon. 

    Worked for me an hour ago.  Thanks for posting this, KGB.


    I had the same problem.  I'll try it from the WH site.

    Nope.  Never could get it to work.  Lots of chattering and then nothing.

    I'm gonna run off some copies of that graph, fold 'em into paper airplanes, and float 'em into groups of people who look old enough to vote.

    God, I love it when a plan comes together.

    Hee!  I love this comment.


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