Telling the truth mainly, but stretchin' it some
Pursuing a less literal, more memoir-centered notion of "truth"
Fish stories
Off-the-record briefings
Keeping our oral folklore traditions alive
Diplomatic balderdash
Stimulating the hearer's sense of wonder
Telling all the truth but telling it slant
Telling some of the truth, slantier
Verbal legerdemain
Sympathetic nodding
Having the courage to describe the world as we wish it to be
Accessorizing properly for fall colors
Explaining how Santa can be in so many places at the same time
Seemingly accidental misrepresentations
Pulling Maggie Haberman's leg, just as a little joke
Sharing staff diet tips
Deliberately misunderstanding
Stone cold lying, bitch.
new March 2018 Indie Next List item? Or title of Hope Hicks's upcoming memoir?
by AmericanDreamer on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 11:33am
Your title is too narrow. Should be, "Partial List of White House Employees Duties."
by ocean-kat on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 12:33pm
by Doctor Cleveland on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 4:57pm
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Hicks, Doc.
by Michael Maiello on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 1:20pm
A Million Little Pieces of Deception
by Doctor Cleveland on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 4:57pm
Big Little Lies!
by Michael Maiello on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 5:01pm
Eat, Pray, Lie
by Doctor Cleveland on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 5:03pm
Well, there is always Dan Hicks.
I am sure it is all just a strange epiphenomenon of synchronicity:
by moat on Sat, 03/03/2018 - 7:24pm
It would make a great resume, Doc. You should send it to her. I hear she needs a job. (Great, as usual.)
by Ramona on Sun, 03/04/2018 - 8:28am