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    Report: Americans tired of ‘Change We Can Believe In,’ demand new catch phrase

    KANSAS - A stunning new poll from the Taibbi Research Center shows that the vast majority of Americans are now tired of President Barack Obama’s mottos of “Change We Can Believe In,” and other Change-based catch phrases. Nearly 80 percent of those surveyed said that the “Change” motto had grown tired and they needed something new.

    “What was most interesting is how very few of those surveyed really had an problem with Obama, or politics in general,” said Lead Researcher and professional juggler Chris Taibbi. “It’s like when ‘Can’t Touch This’ was released and played over and over again until everyone, everywhere hated it. They just need something fresh.”

    One young person of voting age said he didn’t much care about health care reform or other hot-button issues, but that he “wasn’t feeling” the “Change vibe” any longer.

    “No, Sir, not feeling it,” said Timmy Johnson of Tupelo, Miss. “Plus, what rhymes with ‘Change?’ ‘Mange?’ Yep, not feeling it.”

    The Obama Administration has reportedly had meetings at the Executive level, discussing this problem. In a “run it up the flagpole,” maneuver, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel released a couple new ideas for slogans, which included:

  • “Get a brain! Morans”
  • “You Know that I’ll be Your Papa, Paparazzi”
  • “Stay the Course”
  • “Workers of the world, unite!”
  • While it remains to be seen if any of the above will be the new slogans will make the grade. But it is certain that some change will be made to “Change.”

    “The problem with ‘Change’ is that it’s run its course,” said Professional Philosopher Doug McBride. “I kinda like the Marx one, actually. It’s catchy and ironic.”


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