The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Sarah Palin & Republicans Count the Minutes Until They Can Use Violent Rhetoric Again

    Sad SarahThose inside Sarah Palin's inner circle have come forward to admit the ex-Governor of Alaska was truly heartbroken over the recent massacre in Arizona.

    "Sarah is destroyed." said a Palin Associate. "She had a new ad with her holding a hunting rifle to Obama's head. It's a great ad. And harmless. But now she just can't use it.

    "And now that her show has been cancelled, we can't have someone drug up a caribou for her to shoot.," added the source. "These are dire times."

    Palin is just one of many Republicans facing a new dilemma caused by the shooting. That dilemma being "When can we go back to using violent rhetoric? We got nothing else."

    Timothy Johnson, a political analyst in Tupleo, Miss., said the Republicans will need to retool their message and make it even simpler while many Americans are too sensitive to violent rhetoric following the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and murder of six others at the hands of Jared Loughner.

    "Just repeat 'Tax Cuts' over and over," advised Johnson, who said it should be at least one more week until violent rhetoric is safe to use again. "Don't even try using other words. You'll just screw it up."

    For some, however, the week of waiting may prove too much.

    "Sarah decide to write a Facebook post all about Jesus, but before long she was just talking about how liberals should be stoned to death" said the Palin source. "She's the victim here."


    Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles


    Sarah, Sarah,

    Stormfront's brewing in your eyes ...

    I am passing on the unauthorized daily award that I received yesterday from C. (for the 8 hummers thingee)

    New Republican political threats:

    I'm going to tax cut you right between the eyes.

    Don't tax cut until you see the whites of his eyes.

    I'm going to bust a tax cut in your ass.

    I'm going to roll past your place in my SUV and tax cut out every one of your windows.

    You'll have to pry my tax cuts out of my cold, taxed hands.

    Sarah sez, Look, they were surveyor's marks, dammit.  Shoot, everybody can see that.  (Did I say shoot?  I didn't mean "shoot", I really meant "shit" but I don't say that icky word.)

    Jesus H. Christ I needed this this morning. Thank you for making me spray tea on my monitor.

    God, Wolfie, you have great access to sources! You're like Bob Woodward would be if his rehab worked.

     stoned to death


    Context, people, context!

    The quote: accurate.  But it was delivered on the occasion of Bristol complaining to her mother that Levi was failing to rise to his conjugal obligations, and Sarah said, "Oh, Bristol, that happens to a man sometimes--We call it "stoned to death".  He'll be ok when the alcohol wears off..."

    Great picture!!