jollyroger's picture

    Arise, ye Greek prisoners of Starvation-Rise up on May 6!

    Finally a wind blows through the Balkans, and it will blow the austerians all the way back to Berlin.


    In the first vote (other than Iceland's resounding rejection of debt peonage) since the shit really hit the fan in Greece, I think it impossible to imagine this people will stand for more.


    There has been a 25% contraction of the economy since the crash.


    Middle class people, (a 77 year old druggist) are snuffing themselves in front of Parliament.

    (And these aint Buddhists....)


    A specter is stalking Europe...


    The people of Greece already voted for tax evasion, hiding all their money in places like Switzerland.

    Fewer than 50% of Greeks pay taxes, from what I recall.

    So now they'll vote to end their poor servitude by finding someone else to pay the other 50%'s taxes?

    Then they can drink ouzo and fish all day. Good work if you can get it.

    and your point is? I submit to you the non payers are also the upper class. the working class gets their taxes withheld this is a class issue not a national character issue

    perhaps you didn't recognize The Internationale

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