Bill Moyers on Banking (updated)

    This is pretty much a duplicate of a post by Arianna Huffington highlighting tonight's topic on Bill Moyers' show - big banks and how they are screwing us all. The whole issue makes me both mad and heartsick. Here's Arianna's lead in:

    When I spoke to Bill yesterday he described it as "a moment of truth-telling that could ignite the public's passion for Wall Street reforms that have been strangled in the crib by the big banks and their bought-and-paid-for politicians."

    To be honest, I'm skeptical that it will ignite anything. People are too busy celebrating or decrying Obama's selection for a largely meaningless prize from some hoary organization. And even if that were not the case, I'm sure Michelle Bachmann has said something stupid or Glen Beck has gone off the rails again, or some other such important distraction has occurred.

    At any rate, here are the two preview clips PBS has released.



    The show will air tonight. Do watch it if you get the chance.

    Update: If you only watch one clip ... watch this one. I gets right to the heart of why the system is all screwed up and some ideas on how to fix it.


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