The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    we are stardust's picture

    David Brooks has his inner thigh fondled by a Republican Senator at a dinner party.

    In his MSNBC interview, he tells that part of the story, then says he was "like eww; get me out of here."  Now I have read some of the online comments about it, and mainly they are sick jokes claiming he was excited by it, etc. 

    To me the larger point is certainly:  Why did he allow it to go on for the whole dinner party? 

    There is only one answer that seems plausible:  He doesn't want to jeopardize his dinner invitations, or his access to that  particular horny Senator. 

    The Washington Post was recently being caught out for their fliers announcing they would sell access to reporters/politicians at Katherine Weymouth's house; that was even too much for Politico and some journalists.  To me, it's all a matter of degree.  That blatant whoredom was just a little over the top.  But sadly, the everyday schmoozing between the D.C. pols and the mainstream media is so cozy as to be nauseating. 

    David Gregory dances with Karl Rove?  Give him Meet the Press.  Ah, hell, the examples are too numerous.  Just look who are the regulars on the Sunday shows. 

    The idea that we have a "liberal" media is just too funny.  Watch how the reward system works, and you can guess which corporate news outfit is paying their salaries.

    Mr. Brooks, we are so glad you gave us that hilarious Norah-O'donnell guffaw moment; but for crying in a bucket, take a personal inventory, would you?

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