The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Democratic National Convention, Day Three

    Not much time to post today, so if you were relying on me to fill you on last night, while perhaps enjoying the Red Sox demolition derby or any number of other August diversions, I apologize.  This one will have to be very brief since Day Four is already happening.  [This is, of course, another cross-post from Kos, but the numbering system below, seems to be uncontrollable from my end.]

    So, a few observations or questions:

    1.  If the Great Reagan had been physically able to speak to a Republican Convention (I think he did in 1992), don't you think the broadcast networks would show it instead of ceding the field to cable relegating a former President of the United States to that smaller audience?
    1.  He, President Clinton, can be a very effective stupmp speaker, though he appeared to have lost his touch through most of the primary season.  Maybe he had more to work with last night?
    1.  But if anyone told you before the night began that the speech of the night, and, so far, the Convention, would come from Senator Kerry, you would have thought that person to be crazy.  Well, you would if you let comedians and other political types on tv, tell you how to think.  I personally loved his 2004 acceptance speech and thought last night's was of the same type.  Absolutely sensational. Naturally, even cable cut away to blab about nothing, so I had to jump to CSPAN.  Later MS tried to make it up to us, by showing almost the whole thing, but it was after midnight on the east coast and most people were sleeping.  (Sen Kerry might have to be the Attorney General now that Sen Edwards is a bit damaged.  That's a shame because he is a great Senator and should be running for re-election as President instead of, as amazingly he is, just for the Senate seat.  On the other hand, if he is Attorney General, maybe he could find a place for some old prosecutor close to Barth).
    1. I have no idea why people are complaining about Senator Biden's speech.  He is uncomfortable with that "responsive reading: stuff as well he should be.  It's truly lame.  His speech, to my mind, was excellent and well delivered.
    1.  More about last night tomorrow when, in my role as Barth,  I pontificate on the whole damn convention.  Try to get some sleep in the meantime, but don't go tot sleep before Vice President Gore and Senator Obama speak.  Sox bullpen sabotaged us, so there is no game tonight and you can watch it live.

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