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    "Face It! We Do Not Take Care Of Each Other" Keith Olbermann Special Comment

    If you have lost Keith, you've lost the election.

    Schmuck !


    This is what is always maddening about Keith.  He can be so eloquent and so correct and then, in the name of being right, insist that in disagreement we need to do the wrong thing.

    President Obama is not perfect.  Neither was President Roosevelt (either of them) nor President Kennedy or President Lincoln.

    Trying to float above it, trying to triangulate your way to re-election, acting as if crazy people might just have a point, makes little sense to me, or many of us, but to just walk away from him in disgust is nothing short of asenine.  We did that to President Johnson and then Vice President Humphrey in 1968 and it got us Nixon.  We giggled about Vice President Gore in 2000, and somehow George W. Bush became president.

    Neither was a step forward.

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