The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Georgia Senate run-off election results & related

    It was always going to be about the virus. Latest @CNN exit polls show that Georgia voters are more concerned about containing the virus than economy. Many have experienced financial hardship and the majority are worried that they/family members will contract the virus.

    — Benjy Renton (@bhrenton) January 5, 2021


    538 has a Live Results link:

    Nate Cohn has put up an "election needle" at NYTimes and seems to be live tweeting comments as well (@

    CNN' s quirky "forecaster" Harry Enten:

    Barack Obama:

    Yang and Yang Gang (note she says there is no line):

    Watching MSNBC TV live and it's a real nail biter, with last bundles of votes coming in every few minutes. Rachel Maddow just said "whoo" like she needs a breath. Steve Kornacki is having a hard time keeping up with each incoming and how it changes probabilities. Brian Williams takes the opportunity to explain that the NBC decision to call is not theirs but an independent "desk" of people from anchorpersons and reporters.

    edit to add: they came back from commercial to announce the "decision desk" has labeled both races "too close to call". second edit to correct Rachel's last name.

    I am superstitious in a sense about irony. Real close elections are obviously the easiest to steal. Imagine if the Rs won both by half a percent and real live indications of computer manipulation of the count became evident. 

    Haberman, Weigel & Kraushaar discussing related, including interesting potentiality for Bernie Sanders

    In almost every conversation I’ve had with Rs and Dems tonight someone has raised both these facts early on.

    — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 6, 2021

    We heard lots about Trump coming in was key. Well he came in to the state alright. This is the first indication of the damage he’s done his own level of influence in the party in the last two months. If both seats go to Dems, you watch what happens now.

    — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 6, 2021

    To be clear, the debate over whether his physical presence did damage is meaningless and can’t be settled. He’s spent two months refusing to concede the election. It left a mark.

    — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 6, 2021


    Warnock basically declaring victory (even tho networks haven't) with a uniter-not-a-divider non partisan message:

    ...because this is America...

    This is incredible praise (found retweeted by Rick Wilson):

    Rep. Katie Porter's seen enough to call one thing:

    some interesting recent late night discussion with Lara Rozen & friends:

    .@ossoff now up by 81 votes and I can't for the life of me see where @Perduesenate can gain any votes unless there was a tabulation or other error.

    — Cameron Joseph (@cam_joseph) January 6, 2021

    These numbers keep bouncing around guys, this number didn't hold for long. But almost all the remaining vote is from heavily Democratic areas and much is mail vote.

    — Cameron Joseph (@cam_joseph) January 6, 2021

    What about the 17K overseas military ballots? Aren’t they likely to break R?

    — bill maggs (@billm) January 6, 2021

    Depends on how many come in. They have 17k out but no idea how many will come in. The question would be how much they break R if they do. I think Biden won the military/overseas vote in GA.

    — Michael.Stack (@MStack1987) January 6, 2021

    Does Perdue get some crossover D support?

    — Laura Rozen (@lrozen) January 6, 2021

    Throw into the mix some diehard Collins supporters who were fine with Perdue but still angry at Loeffler. Not many, but it doesn't take many in a close race.

    — Nick (@getyrtrouserson) January 6, 2021

    NBC news just now formally projected victory for Warnock.

    Lawrence O'Donnel on MSNBC also said a few minutes ago that the Ossof campaign had put out a sort of putative victory statement, here it is:

    Yes, it does look like we are going to have a 50/50 Senate and a Senate Majority Leader Schumer, because the new VP is also a Democrat.

    That will be after a lot of challenges and recounts and similar nonsense and delay of course....


    Black & white photo takes me back to Lenny Bruce pics.

    Guess this *is* our early 60s Civil Rights era moment...

    starting to see more commentary that some Republicans in GA  coming out to vote for the Dem Senate candidates (instead of just staying home) helped here, like this:

    @JohnKasich states his family lives in Georgia being a "DIEHARD REPUBLICANS," but has enough & voted DEMOCRATIC.

    — In§pire Life (@Beauty4Ashes_1) January 6, 2021


    Ossoff officially projected the winner:

    Ossoff hits 33k/0.8% margin, past 0.5% needed to avoid recount

    (Warnock at 68k, 1.8% diff)


    More Trump GA obstruction

    More Trump Atlanta abuse

    (and skipping #2 to place a non- Senate approved appointee is likely illegal - at least it is for most of his "Acting" cabinet positions. But justice and regulations don't work for the next 10 days)

    "When you're a star they let you do it"
    Lady luck, no?

    or also too when you're Tony Soprano

    2004: why Dems challenged Ohio

    (so the lesson of 2020 is not "never complain", only "complain when there's proof or reasonable cause to investigate/recount", noting that in 2016 recounts weren't done offhand, so PA/MI/WI remain mysteries, unlike the many recounts in 2020. And even why speculation about voting machines shouldn't be taken too far, but should be followed up with audits and real system checks)

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