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    Healthy Additions to Foods and Some Supplements to Explore

    There have been so many blogs and comments about health care, food, healthy eating, pharmaceuticals, and so forth lately, I thought I'd add my two cents about common kitchen ingredients (and below that section some supplements) that can have beneficial effects for us generally, and heal certain maladies.

    If a product is foreign to you, even a spice, google it to see if you might have a condition or be taking a drug that might mean it's not right for you.  These suggestions are only a starting point; I'm not a doctor, and I also know that doctors don't know everything.  ;-)

    Over half the health care dollars in this country go to alternative medicine and choices; there must be a reason for that.


    Cinnamon:  contains eugenol relieves pain, cinnamaldehyde is sedative, helps stop diarrhea, thins blood, lowers blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity


    Ginger: anti-oxidant, helps cough and colds, aids nausea, reduces gassy-toots and hangovers, cuts mucous; opens pores to aid in sweat-cleansing, new studies find it beneficial in the treatment of ovarian cancer, reacts poorly with the drug Warfarin


    Turmeric: Indian spice (yellow) constituent of curry powder; contains curcumin (not cumin) which is anti-inflammatory for joints; aids in protein digestion


    Fennel: settles nausea and vomiting, neutralizes stomach acidity


    Garlic: antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, contains high amounts of sulfur, some studies suggest it may help prevent arterial plaque formation, lowers blood sugar,may lower blood pressure, acts as an exptorant in coughs and croup.


    Chili peppers:  contain high amounts of capsicum, improves blood flow, lots of vitamins E and A, reduces ulcers, may inhibit cancer growth, reduces blood sugar levels.


    Cardamom: used in south Asia to treat tuberculosis and lung inflammation, stomach ache, and aid digestion, wards off the evil-eye  ;-)


    Basil: anti-inflammatory, helps colic (mild tea, or infusion)


    Caraway seed:  diuretic, settles stomach


    Cumin:  relieves gas, cook with dried beans to reduce fartiness


    Oregano:  herb, but especially in oil for is antiseptic and anti-microbial properties; rich in polyphenols, natural anti-oxidants, especially Mexican oregano


    Dill: great and safe for colicky babies, high in anti-oxidants, great for new mothers to pass on to their babies


    Celery seed: diuretic, lowers uric acid levels, can relieve gout; anti-inflammatory


    Fenugreek: Stimulates milk supply in nursing mothers, lowers serum cholesterol and blood sugar, used in Chinese medicine to tonify kidneys


    Dark chocolate: lowers blood pressure, contains anti-oxidants, increases blood flow, contains enzymes which aid the digestion of tomato-based dishes, i.e. chili and red pasta sauce.


    Extra virgin olive oil: mechanically pressed, no chemicals in process, low-acid, high in polyphenol anti-oxidants, monounsaturated fats (oleic acid) which help vascular elasticity and help prevent heart disease, helps displace Omega-6 fats. 


    Live fermented pickles and sauerkraut: increase antibodies that fight infectious disease, strengthen the small intestine and helps inhibit pathogenic organisms (such as E.coli, salmonella and yeast overgrowth), high in antioxidants, generate omega-3 fatty acids

    Angostura Bitters: tincture of gentian root and flavoring herbs, eases stomach ache, indigestion, and cures hiccups


    Probiotics and yogurt: restores beneficial strains of bacteria to the stomach and intestines, increases immune-response, may help diverticulitis, aids digestion and elimination, multi-strains are best (9-14)


    Large flake nutritional yeast: cultured on molasses/sugar cane, yeast high in protein and B vitamins, often B-12 is added to make it complete B-complex, extremely yummy and healthful



    In terms of supplements, I would prefer you to google the product and the condition you'd like to know about, so you can weigh the evidence and possible efficacy yourselves.


    Celadrin, topical and oral:  joint pain, soft-tissue elasticity, joint inflammation and immobility, arthritis, cartilage thinning or hardening


    Hyaluronic acid: joint pain, cartilage (and disc) problems and re-moisturization


    MSM (methysulfonylmethane): Chrohn's disease, joint pain and immobility, osteoarthritis, seasonal rhinitis, bladder interstitial cystitis


    Glucosamine sulphate: joint pain and disease, cartlilage renewal


    L-lysine: herpes simplex (cold sores), shingles (herpes zoster)


    L-glutamine: extreme diarrhea


    GSE (grapefruit seed extract):  virus, bacterial infection, environmental disease, sensitivity to molds, mildews, and dust mites, sore throat or strep throat


    Colloidal or ionic silver: infections, MRSA, viral diseases, earache, sinus infection  Check for PPM, and particle size, read risks, decide


    Stopain Extra Strength topical spray w/ MSM and glucosamine sulfate:  disc swelling, joint discomfort, inflammation


    Echinacea root:  colds, flu, cough


    Osha root, tincture or chewed root:  colds, flu, sore throat, respiratory infections


    5-HTTP Amino acid preparation: depression, insomnia, more


    Melatonin: insomnia


    Oil of wild oregano: immune booster, infection, etc.


    Plus a whole range of oils: flax seed, omega-3 fish oils, etc.

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