by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Note... The original post is here...
Very interesting . . .
I couldn't pass up this comment...
To respond... There was a much more massive insurgency from the liberal Democratic ranks in the late 60s through the 70s. And to say that that insurgency made people uncomfortable is an understatement. And the elected Democratic party elites basically thumbed their collective noses at all US in our 20s. Oh yeah, eventually Carter was elected but that brought about the backlash of the Reagan years.
So beware to all those who thumb their collective noses at those who have supported Bernie. The pendulum swings both ways...
Found in this thread here-->
To---> read the replies . . . Specifically Quinn's response.
Thanks Ducky,
Quin called it like is was and Sander's supporters have not rolled over and played dead. Labor did not fall in line with Clinton but enough of them decided to deep six neoliberalism for the Democrats to lose, Clinton had an opportunity to move farther to the left but didn't. All those people that turned out for Sanders' rallies didn't seem to matter much to her campaign. Trump noticed and did reach out to some of their populism.
Yes it was a s**t show. Out side of MSM it has been called Trexit. We are part of a movement that is also going on in Europe. There are 3 important elections coming up in Europe. The oligarchy will not fair very well in these elections. The powers to be that run the EURO, their house of cards may fall apart. The Euro will survive but forced austerity won't. Global trade agreements have lost support.
The Republicans will not be able to continue not being held accountable. They got away with being obstructionists for the last 10 years and voters did not hold them accountable. That has ended for them. They will be held accountable for everything they do next year. Congress will have to move away from the far right ideology or they will face a House cleaning in 2018.
I disagree with the term insurgency. From the inside it is more of a movement. People who supported Sanders was not all Democrats. Only 30% of his support came from Democrats, the rest came from new voters, Republicans and Independents. The working class in this country is up for grabs. Sanders' supporters are still talking to each other and have found that they have lots in common.
It is your turn PP
by trkingmomoe on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 12:04am
Yes, "our Sanders insurgency movement actively got out and sat on our asses or headed up to Dakota for a bit of R&R, where we had a lot of time to hang out and bond and find we had a lot in common like being ineffective and chanting 'hey ho hey ho' with different nouns and cutting off our noses to spite ourselves. Meanwhile ding dong the neoliberal witch is dead which means we get to spend the next 4/8 years getting old and bonding and looking for a paste-in socialist to lead the next futile display of relevance and rage against the machine, while the real machine will simply ignore us when not using our soundbites as raw meat for the base, but we'll always have Hillary to blame for the fine pathetic plight we're in, and with Trump we at least know what we're fighting against. As soon as we get the working class not to despise us, we'll be in the canary seat."
Miss anything?
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 12:46am could of fleshed it out a little more. It is not your best work so you get a C+.
by trkingmomoe on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 1:56am
Not bad for an unreformed neolib who's into compromising his values. A
gentleman'srogue's C. And a little bit more!by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 3:44am
(a bit of metro echo)
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 3:24am
Change doesn't = victory.
Hillary got the votes she got for the positions she took.
If she had moved left she'd have gotten some of the further- lefties out to vote.
And lost some of the barelylefties who actually did vote for her.
But almost didn't.
I met some at a wedding. They hated Trump on Global Warming.And Hillary for
supporting Dodd / Frank.
by Flavius on Mon, 11/28/2016 - 9:07pm