Richard Day's picture


    Sheldon Whitehouse 2010.jpg

    Hillary is looking into potential Vice-Presidents.

    I love Al Franken, as I have stated before.

    But damn, Hillary has an opportunity here.

    Why not choose Sheldon Whitehouse.

    I mean the ticket would be:


    How can you do better than that?

    Sheldon snuck into the Senate in 2007 upon the great wave of Dems into the Senate in 2006.

    Sheldon is a gooood gooood Senator, representing my party.

    Sheldon is experienced.

    Sheldon likes women and gays and .....


    But people are stupid and a banner stating that we should vote for a

    CLINTON/WHITEHOUSE ticket might hit the mark, so to speak.

    T-Rump is our example of a man who does not give a damn about what he talking about anyway; hoping against hope (I hope) that the peeps know nothing about nothing. hahahahah

    I wrote a long time ago that when I was in the first grade in 1956 that my teacher handed out ballots and I had two choices:

    Adlai Stevenson


    President Eisenhower.


    I thought about this choice deeply, at least deeply as a six year old without MENSA abilities.

    And of course, I chose Ike. I mean it seemed treasonous to vote for anyone else than THE PRESIDENT.

    What did I know?

    Looking back, Ike was the correct choice, especially when Wallace chose not to run.


    Anyway, we now have a highway system, Ike threatened nuclear war to end the Korean mess and Ike would not take the advice from BIG REPUBS to destroy the New Deal or the Fair Deal. hahahahah


    A Clinton/Whitehouse ticket should surely work.


    Except Hillary must light my fire:




    Very funny.

    But I couldn't remember anything about Whiteout---but very popular in its Day.

    I was listening to Bloomberg Radio---these folks are so insulated from the real world it's astonishing. One of them said, about V.P. choices---"we can all remember where we were and what we were doing the moment when we heard that Bush had picked Dan Quayle for V.P." Right.

    In any case, if Whitehouse is selected, I will always remember your blog.

    Thereyago Oxy.

    Well put.

    Oh I had to add this.

    Once a month I get on the top, so to speak. hahahhaahha

    ​Oh I miss a month or so and then I get two. hahahahha

    I get such a kick out of this.


    It is either Ramona or M or W of course, anyway, I aint gonna stay silent.


    I get so damned depressed at times and then I get  a bonus

    And, this bonus makes me feel so gooooooood.


    Hey, Richard, our posts go automatically on the front page, but you consistently get far more comments than I ever do. Plus, you're far more entertaining than we are. So take a bow, young man! 

    And carry on. ..

    Hey Dick!  I googled Mr. Whitehouse, and guess what popped up on the second page?  A link to this here post of yours - very cool.  And by the way, I think you're on to something!



    dagblog (blog)-5 hours ago
    Sheldon snuck into the Senate in 2007 upon the great wave of Dems into the ... CLINTON/WHITEHOUSE ticket might hit the mark, so to speak.

    Hi Missy.

    I get a kick out of when this happens!

    Over the last eight years, I used to google my blog headline. hahahahaha

    ​I forgot about that protocol. hahahah

    Thank you. hahahah


    Or make him press secretary - "The Whitehouse reported..." "which one?" "Say goodnight, Dick" "Goodnight Dick"

    Peracles, I actually remember this line.

    Say goodnight Dick!


    I hereby render unto Peracles the Dayly Quote of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me.


    You're a Prince, Dick - and speaking of which, a frenetic non-stop show with Prince playing drums, Sheila E taking over on mic, rap & the moves... I can't imagine these guys performing night after night after night... no wonder they ended up in pain, but the experience must have been magical in the crowd.



    Purely for names, I'm liking Julian Castro. Clinton/Castro should drive some people just crazy enough.


    Hell, she could choose either of the twin brothers!

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