After 3 days of reading here, the newspapers, and watching various "news" channels, I have heard every possible nuance as to Hillary's comments about RFK's assassination in June. I myself attributed it to Dr. Freud, with a slip thrown in from Victoria's Secret. Others have assigned more diabolical motives. Many have said that the motive doesn't matter; that someone as ham-fisted verbally, and clueless as she is, is clearly unqualified for the office she so desperately seeks.
But guess what? Billy Glad was right after all, but only half-way. The echo chamber works both ways. To those of us who support Obama we're madder than ever, and convinced that if nothing else, Michelle Obama will personally see to it that Hill doesn't get the VP slot. Most of us reacted emotionally to the statement, and feelings tend to be raw at this point.
But over on the other side of the football field, I haven't seen any evidence of actual feelings; no self-doubt; no one saying, "Yeah, it was a huge mistake, but only with words -- she surely didn't MEAN that!" There is no indication that what she said has changed anyone's mind at all. Not one Hillary supporter has said anything at all except to blame "The Obama Camp" for blowing this out of proportion and fanning the flames. Accusing offended people of being "rubes, stupid, and intentionally obtuse."
I have come to expect that of the "Clinton Camp," but I actually am surprised that not one person who follows her, questions even for a moment what she said and its implications. Or even indicated an empathy for how the Obama family might have legitimately taken it.
I am not writing this as a criticism. I am writing this as a stunned citizen -- what would it take to have any of us question our beliefs/assumptions about those we are backing?
I have to admit that I had doubts about Obama after the Rev Wright thing, but not for the reasons that many did. I just couldn't imagine an intelligent person like him sitting and listening to a screamer every week. I decided I am reallly religiously prejudiced and I just have to get over it.
This is making me think of the way the neo-cons got power; by polarising things to the point of gridlock. Let's not do this. Let's try to be objective. Let's challenge our own assumptions now and then.
I'll go first. Hillary made a mistake and it wasn't malicious. I still disagree with her voting record and the way she has handled her campaign, and her view that she is the most electable, but I do not see her as Lady McBeth with this comment.
But what do you here at TPM think? After all this falderal, is everything still the same, only cranked up a notch? If so, it is a sad state of affairs.