CVille Dem's picture

    Howard Dean -- He May Be Our Only Hope

    Howard Dean, on Rachel Maddow tonight, discussed the differences between health INSURANCE reform, versus health CARE reform, among other topics.  He succinctly spells it out, and he will be hosting the Keith Olberman hour for two nights.  To all of you who might have tired of Keith's dog and pony show (including myself), I would encourage all of us to tune in to what Dr. Dean has to say.  He is totally committed to the Public Option --  which is threatened from what I hear today.

    It looks like we are losing this fight.  Why? Only because of lies and fear-mongering.   The only way to fight it is with fire.  Let's see what Howard Dean suggests, but it is time to let all our Senators and Congressmen know that we care about this.  If we can't pull this off with the numbers we have in the Senate, the House, and the White House (only because of the desire to appease republicans) then it is time to tell the Democrats that we will not show up next time.  This is not what we worked, donated and voted for.  It is time for them to stand up for us.  If they have to appease the minority, then let them know what it feels like to BE a minority.

    I worked and donated and voted for an ideal.  Howard Dean still talks that talk.  Why is he shut out from the administration?  Why isn't he the Surgeon General?  I am NOT happy with the direction we are headed.  Can anyon cheer me up?

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