we are stardust's picture


    "But my plumber also has a nice beard."  "You must be shit-ting me!"


    This is incredible, was! I laughed... until I cried. I love ultranormal and their ability to stage such a conversation appropriately. "The Ben Bernank." Priceless! Thanks for this.

    I've only watched it four times so far!  ROTFLMAO!  G'night, Jeezus.

    "Is this an episode of the twilight zone?"

    "I don't thing so."

    Great lines.  I often ask myself that.

    It hurts to laugh this much this early on a Sunday morning ... Thanks.

    Uh-oh, Mr. Smith; had you dipped into the sacramental wine last night, perhaps?  Innocent

    Brilliant!  Thanks for sharing Stardust.

    Belongs in the Middle, I'd have thought, no?  Glad you liked it, Miguelito.  ;o)

    QE2 fits fits right in with starting a third war with Iran, a la Broder. Bernank(e) and Broder will have the  U.S. economy'll smokin' before you know it, folks. Money mouth Reserve your plumber now before the rush starts.

    Edit: Thanks, star.  This was funny and frightening at the same time.

    Pretty queer timing, too, that the Ber-nank did it just before Timmeh went off to the G-20.  Sounds as though it may not have gone too well for him OR Obama's trade mission.  Oy...  Glad you liked it, Blue. 

    Come to think of it, Stiglitz has a nice beard, too!   Innocent

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