Sorry about the title. This isn't really about Obama or Clinton. This is about a little love and what it takes to get some around here - for someone without the name Obama or Clinton. Apparently, the first step is divining a snappy title for your post (what do you think?).
Sure sure, they are the remaining candidates. But really! To hear folks blather on, one might be lulled into believing they are the BEST candidates. To this I must call Bullsh*t (it ain't cussin if you use little *'s ).
If this prolonged primary has shown us anything, it's that America is still the
most goddamn racist and sexist country in the world. As Wolf Blitzer
has so aptly pointed out, racist crackers just won't put a brother in
office. And we misogynist pigs sure as hell won't elect a skirt. The
Clinton campaign has systematically proven that BOTH remaining
candidates are simply unelectable. Remember, it's not about the
"votes" or the "delegates" - it's about ELECTABILITY.
If Clinton can ask delegates, super and otherwise, to switch, so can we!!!! Edwards supporters unite!
Sure, when he dropped out we went all civilized. Quietly joining forces with Clinton or Obama or maybe escaping the trauma at a salon somewhere. Well, now we're back and better coiffured than ever!
If this contest has shown us anything, it's that fighting over race and gender SUCKS. Edwards provides a raceless and sexless (sorry Liz ... It's only 4-8 years) alternative to the divisive options that now sit before us. Sure, sexism appears to have proven stronger than racism and that has caused some strife. Well, under the "Edwards out of the blue" plan, both racism and sexism can still be viewed as EQUALLY strong - and isn't equality what we all are shooting for?
In closing, I would just like to say: sure he paid $400 for a friggin haircut - but Edwards would have the best damn hair of any president since that impenetrable helm of yore borne by Ronald Regan himself! If that isn't enough to peel off a few GOPers, I don't know what is!
So yes, let's declare our nominee on Tuesday. But let us be sure to declare the RIGHT nominee! That nominee is John Edwards.
Thank you.