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    Page 425 of the House Health Care Bill: Just Remove It.

    Page 425 is making the Insurrectionists crazy.  If I understand correctly, there were two versions that were originally stand-alone bills, authored and co-sponsored by Republicans, one as a Medicaid measure, one as a Social Security measure.  It provides for Medicare payments for a consultations about end-of-life care, no pushing, no shoving: just the opportunity to clarify a patient's wishes.  No one can convince true dis-believers that the page is anything but a Euthanaisa/death-as-cost-cutting measure.  So they should chop that sucker out, and offer the provisions as a stand-alone bill; not even as amendments.  Then see how veryone votes. 

    Lawrence O'Donnell made an acute observation on MSNBC today:  Many Republicans are terrified of death; so this is a great issue to enable them to ramp up fear.  He mentioned the grotesque Terri Schaivo case.  Remember Bill Frist?  "I am a physician, and I know from whereof I speak.  Terri is cognizant, able to respond..."  (Really I am paraphrasing, but that's close.)  Officials withheld the autopsy results for months--oopsie; her brain had shrunk beyond the possibility of cognition or communication; pro-life at any cost!

    It would not be backing down to remove the clause about consultations; it would be calling their bluffs: intelligent, pragmatic politics.

    I have not yet convinced my own Evangelical in-laws that Page 425 does not mean what they hope it means; and I say hope, because they won't be dissuaded.  They actively WANT to believe that Page 425 is the nefarious plot that their heroes claim it is.  I have given up trying to set them straight.

    So jettison that sucker: DOWN WITH PAGE 425!!!

    addendum:  With the prevalence of the death panel meme focusing on "Pulling the Plug on Grandma," my question is this:  Why don't they care about Grandpa?

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