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    Political Cartoon: “Getting Out of a Date Excuses”


    ..........There is no solution or resolution when both parties have excuses to get out of a Date with the future of their country.

    I hope they have eyes behind their back so they can see the what the people are saying with their eyes.

    Originally posted at

    Artwork 2011©

    Checkout My Cartoons on AAEC (Association of American Editorial Cartoonists)

    Visit my Facebook fanpage for more.


    Thanks, GTBM. I've missed your comics.

    My pleasure, Genghis.  I missed Dagblog too! I hope to contribute much more in the upcoming year as well.

    The best Government, money can buy

    "If the American people ever allow private banks
    to control the issue of their money,
    first by inflation and then by deflation,
    the banks and corporations that will
    grow up around them (around the banks),
    will deprive the people of their property
    until their children will wake up homeless
    on the continent their fathers conquered."

    Thomas Jefferson

    I thought it sounded anachronistic for Jefferson to be talking about inflation. And in fact it is...

    A rose by any other name.

    "In this way, according to Smith, not just government, but all debtors have benefited at the expense of creditors."

      Not so! The threat of inflation forces debtors everywhere to pay much more for credit - where they can get it at all. Even the sovereign will eventually lose to the extent that inflation raises costs and financial risks - hinders capital accumulation or even results in decapitalization - and reduces the value of commerce and tax receipts.,%20Wealth%20of%20Nations%20(I).htm

    by Adam Smith (Part I, Market Mechanisms)

    In this review, modern terminology is frequently used for the sake of clarity.



    Well, this cartoon runs the the classic "They're both to blame" theme of the mainstream media.  But of course, back in the real world the White House never tried to get out of anything.

    The cartoonist also doesn't know how to spell 'yodel'.    Although, maybe it's a commentary on Republican spelling.

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