The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Romney: "Don't you even THINK of patronizing me, you lying shape-shifting sack of tax cheating off-shoring bust out artistry."

    It's not enough to have talent, you gotta have character.

    Evidently utterly unmanned by fear of alienating the remaining three undecided voters in the country, "Mr. Nice Guy" (aka The Great Left Hope) actually let Willard get away with a version of "Don't bullshit a bullshitter" to his downcast face, viz, "Don't bullshit a father of five sons".

    Prez sadly eschewed the obvious riposte "With a father like you, it's no wonder your boys lie like a rug!".

    From the long catalog of Romney lies, the best we got was "Never mind!" as a sarcastic summation of Romney's total renunciation of his prior positions.

    If we are not to see a redux of Obama Rolled (cf. the carnage wreaked by an outnumbered but disciplined Republican congressional minority) we will need a soupcon of self-respect.

    I know that we all have a catalog of comeback lines we wish had been delivered last night. Bottom line, Bambi has to go. Let's pray for a little righteous indignation from the Great Conciliator, or else Ruth Ginsburg and Steve Breyer better settle in for the long haul.

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