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    Religion, Fornicating, and Beheading

    I am a Christian woman. I used to be pretty proud of that. Not so much these days. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of my Lord, but I am ashamed of what is done in his name.

    Take burning Korans, for instance. I'm pretty sure there is no place in the Bible where it says this is a good idea. But it does say that adulterers and fornicators should be stoned to death...Now here's an idea. Let's take all the fornicators and adulterers in congress and stone them to death. We can't seem to get rid of them through the ballot box, so why not use their weapon of choice, the Bible?

    But seriously, I did my share of fornicating back in the day, and I've gotta tell you, I'm pretty glad we're not using that part of the Bible anymore.

    Now, how about the Koran? Is it possible that just like the Bible calls for things we don't do anymore, that the Koran does, as well? So if there are parts of the Koran that are a little gruesome, can we agree that parts of the Bible are, too? And just as we gloss over those things in the Bible, can't we gloss over the ones in the Koran, too?

    Many Christians in America are letting fear of Islam interfere with their rational thought processes (I know, Christians and rational thought in the same sentence is a reach for some, but go with me on this.) And you whack-a-does who are advocating burning Korans are motivated by fear, I get that. But good Lord...are you not even considering the danger you are putting your own missionaries in with stuff like this? If this radical wing of Islam  is nearly as crazy as you think it is, do you honestly think that burning their Holy Books will change that? Make them more rational? Or are they more apt to respond by beheading Christian missionaries?




    Geeeeez Stilli, I thought you were inviting me to some kind of going away party. haahhah

    Love they neighbor. Jesus never said:

    Love only thy neighbor with the same belief system, the same job, the same neighborhood.


    What a bunch of hooey!!!



    Hahaha! If I was havin' one, you'd be at the top of my guest list, you naughty boy!

    Stone the fornicators with Korans!

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