The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Tax breaks 4 Sarko's buds big dud :<i>Vive La France!</i> This is good governance!

    Why can’t we be smart like the French? The body functioning in the judicial review mode that we associate with our supreme court sticks the shiv in Nick’s (otherwise far reaching and laudible) carbon tax. (Yes, that’s the smart and simple way to go Green—all the other programs like. “Cap ‘n Trade”—not old Rough Trade, the pirate captain, I mean the wealth creation program—are unnecessarily complicated and inefficient at internalizing the cost of creating carbon pollution)

    Trouble is, Sarko got *cold feet and let industry off the hook while shafting drivers and people who heat their dwellings.

    ” the French council said the tax was flawed because it would have primarily raised the cost of fuel for vehicles and heating even though there are many other sources of emissions.”

    So let me be sure that you get this straight. The French equivalent of the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a tax which had internal inconsistencies as applied, notwithstanding the overall appropriateness of the measure.

    And, as result, the impact of the tax will be broadened.

    As Europe moves, en masse towards a carbon neutral and even negative economy the moronic acolytes of “American Exceptionalism” are driving us right over the cliff that Thelma and Louise made so memorable.

    I will enjoy watching the rapidly accelerating decline of the USA from some more intelligent country,.

    I bet I could be happy in Denmark….I’d be exotic….Here I’m just another swarthy schmuck.

    *Yeah right, they are cold because they spent the night between Carla Bruni’s thi….(NSFW).never mind. And yes, you bet I’m envious,.

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