The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    I listen to the geese

    I find at the least, solace


    I am a victim of self defecation.

    (Darrell Malaprop, Storage_Wars)


    You read about Ted Cruz, you read about his birth

    He was the strongest man that ever lived on earth

    One day old Ted Cruz was walking alone

    He looked down on the ground and saw an old jaw-bone

    He lifted up that jaw-bone and he swung it over his head

    And when he got to moving ten thousand was dead!

    If i had my way,

    If i had my way in this wicked world,
    If i had my way i would tear this building down.

    Ted Cruz and the lion got in attack

    Ted Cruz he crawled up on the lion's back
    You read about this lion - he killed a man with his paw
    Ted Cruz he got his hands around the lion's jaw
    And he ripped that beast till the lion was dead
    And the bees made honey in the lion's head.

    If i had my way,
    If i had my way in this wicked world,
    If i had my way i would tear this building down.

    Delilah was a woman, she was fine and fair
    She had lovely looks, god knows, and cold black hair
    Delilah she climbed up on Ted Cruz's knee
    And said "tell me where your strength lies, if you please"
    She talked so fine, she talked so fair,
    Ted Cruz said "delilah, cut off my hair,
    Shave my head just as clean as your hand
    And my strength will be like a natural man."

    If i had my way,
    If i had my way in this wicked world,
    If i had my way i would tear this building down.

    If i had my way,
    If i had my way in this wicked world,
    If i had my way i would tear this building down.

    We lost power this evening, around 7PM (CDT).

    Everything is run on electricity in this building, including the stove and fridge and lighting and heat.

    Kind of a reminder really. When you think about it!

    We run out of money as nation, we run out of electricity. Hahahahah

    A metaphor of course!

    My current loss of energy has to do with an electrical storm hitting the area.

    In the old days peeps had gas as well as electricity. (I mean a lot of us are troubled with gas of course but I was referring to natural gas—although what could be more natural....oh never mind)

    Many articles and tomes discussed the importance of both sources of energy.

    In the old days one could turn on the stove without lighting it and either die of poisoned air or as a result of some explosion I suppose.

    I have a battery running my PC right now and that is the only light available. Hahahahah

    People are discussing 'stuff' in the halls as I write this. Hahahaha

    I interviewed two lovely residents of this wonderful (and I mean wonderful) residence and one lady had to grope in the dark for her flashlight but she used her lighter to do so.

    I have no idea, but this statement made me laugh, hysterically. hahahahah

    The metaphor is right there in front of my eyes, so to speak.

    I mean printing money and living on the old Gephart Rule kind of insured some sort of energy stimulation into the economy. We lost this Gephart Rule when the repubs took charge of the House in 2010! Actually, 2011 when they took power.

    I, at least, have choices.

    I can just go to bed in the early evening or continue to write great essays. At least it will be dark and there will be no sound!

    I cannot cook anything. By the by, I could go 40 days and 40 nights without eating anything. Hahahah

    Me and Chris Christie have a lot in common. hahahaha

    I cannot 'get on line'.

    Oh we have some generator that gives us lighting in the 'hall'; I can see the light barely through the door.

    I have no fear of impending death of course, or fear of great bodily harm!

    I was watching a B-movie tonight on my PC which I will have to get back to later. No internet of course!

    It was entitled Assault on Wall Street'.

    I will give a netflix link later, but do not bother to Wiki this treasure.

    Eric Roberts is an attorney in this mess but even his cinematic CV does not even mention this title. Hahahaha

    The star is a guy who starred in his own TV series for about a year and is almost unrecognizable; although he ended up starring in some catastrophe series for awhile..


    I have nothing else to do tonight anyway so I might as well critique the damn thing. Hahahaha

    The primary character is an ex-cop who grabbed a security job.

    He has a wife with some cancerous condition and his insurance is not that hot so he has to supplement the lady's health care with credit cards.

    This is 2008.

    All of his investments have gone sour. Evidently he and his wife made some good money when he was a cop and she had a job. There are no children.

    The credit cards balloon with debt, all related to this illness, and he loses all his credit.

    His savings are a total loss with further debt repercussions.

    He invested his monies for years with this stockbroker who put him into these real estate investment hedge funds thingies.

    His mortgage as gone from...say 5% to 11%? Now he cannot afford his mortgage payment.

    His wife takes 'the easy way out' and commits suicide.

    He loses his job because some creditor has put a lien on his paycheck.

    See, I like melodramas.

    I really do.

    There are bad people and decent people (there really are no good people as such, I mean the best we can ever attain is some moniker related to the word 'decent'.)

    I assume that the last 30 minutes of this film will deal with 'payback'.

    Some vigilante revenge on the part of the star.

    Kind of a Charles Bronson assault upon Wall Street. Which is fine with me. I at least hope that I will soon be presented with a chance to see this ending.

    Actually, I am hoping for a better ending; somehow this cop can reap rewards and move to Balez or something dealing with the NAZI collectables. I did view Incorrigible Bastards this afternoon after all.


    I pointed out to Wattree recently that Senator Cruz really has no socially redeeming qualities at all! And I trusted Eric to do the research and eventually affirm my initial assessment. Hahahahah

    I read a wonderful assessment of the repubs at the New Republic.

    I mean, off the record, these people hate Gomer and Cruz-McCarthy and Lee? And a host of other madmen.

    Big Biz is really pissed off according to the NP and other sites.

    I mean, the big money is mad! Even DeMint's minions at Heritage are really pissed off. Hahahahah

    I cannot stop laughing, really.

    There will be a six week or 90 day deal. Certainly the Dow believes this fact.

    I mean Gomer just attacked Senator McCain as being pro-Al-Qaeda for chrissakes. AHAHAHAHAHAH

    The more these idiots attack members of their own party, the better the poll numbers for us!

    I mean Gomer never spent one day in a Vietnam prison. (I do not really wish to get into this Texas retard right now but suffice it to say that I detest him even more than Bachmann because I fail to perceive any mental health issues. I mean, Gomer is a prick!)

    As a matter of fact Gomer never spent a day in action. He was a frickin JAG officer defending soldiers on misdemeanor charges. What a frickin prick!

    That is all I need as far as this subject.


    Not that I am in love with McCain anyway (I mean I like curvy women and such) but McCain stood by his repubs as far as filibusters and pretend filibusters and whatever...just like Snow or Collins.

    I surmise that we will receive a 90 day postponement of the debt ceiling mess and the shut down.

    I mean, what do I know?

    But in the dark and with no noise whatsoever pouring into my ears; all I have read the last couple of days tells me so. You know, it is not that bad, really. The lack of visual or audio stimulation is kind of nice. I may do this again, soon!

    Oh and happy 98th birthday to Andrea Mitchell. You can diet so much but eventually you end up a shriveled prune.

    Oh, just some notes:

    The number one ice cream by sales and polls is Vanilla flavored ice cream.

    That slimy little shite!

    (Helen Mirren as Inspector Jane Tennison)

    Oh I got back my electricity at 9PM. ha



    I also read the New Republic article and all the links in it.  In fact I stayed up too late doing it. There has been plenty of hints since 2008 that there was a split going on.  Which leads to how stupid Wall Street was to support the crazies.  Here we are 5 years later and the irrational crazies are running wild in Congress and the Speaker is always too drunk to keep things under control.  Like one of the NR articles said, we are watching the end of the GOP. The closing of the Regan and Clinton era and their doctrines of cheap government. The young adults have been left behind because of the conservative ideology that the majority of them will carve out a progressive and social political future for the country.  They will be about 30% of the voters in the next election. 

    All this has had me watching in utter horror and wonder.  It is slowly sinking in to the people around me that we may not have a savior to rush in as a hero.  I don't think there is really anything that the Democrats can do except hide the liquor from the Speaker and lock him in a room until he sobers up to reality.  




    At first glance that seems like a good idea but Boehner is a long term alcoholic so we should expect delirium tremens.It could take up to two weeks before he's sufficiently sober which would take us past the debt ceiling.

    The main symptoms of delirium tremens are nightmares, agitation, global confusion, disorientation, visual and [7] auditory hallucinations, fever, hypertension, diaphoresis, and other signs of autonomic hyperactivity (tachycardia and hypertension). These symptoms may appear suddenly but can develop 2–3 days after cessation of drinking heavily with its highest intensity on the fourth or fifth day.[8] Also, these "symptoms are characteristically worse at night".[9] In general DT is considered as the most severe manifestation of alcohol withdrawal, which occurs 3–10 days following the last drink.[7] Other common symptoms include intense perceptual disturbance such as visions of insects, snakes, or rats. These may be hallucinations, or illusions related to the environment, e.g., patterns on the wallpaper or in the peripheral vision that the patient falsely perceives as a resemblance to the morphology of an insect, and are also associated with tactile hallucinations such as sensations of something crawling on the subject — a phenomenon known as formication. Delirium tremens usually includes extremely intense feelings of "impending doom". Severe anxiety and feelings of imminent death are symptomatic of DT.


    I hereby render unto Ocean the Dayly Comment of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of Ocean from all of me!

    Actually when I read the description of dt's I thought this joke wouldn't work since it really seems like the whole republican caucus going through dt's is what caused the shutdown in the first place.

    A note about the song:  a signature tune of the Reverend Gary Davis, usually called Samson and Delilah, he finally recorded it in 1960.  It was released on the Prestige Bluesville record "Blind Gary Davis  Harlem Street Singer".  But Davis didn't write it.  It has been around at least since the 1920's, and was recorded by Blind Willie Johnson in 1927.  The Grateful Dead do a good cover of it, sung by Bob Weir, who was a pupil of Davis.

    Thank you for this little tidbit.

    No kidding.

    I grew up with the PPM version of course, but Gary Davis and Blind Willie tickle my memory a bit.  

    I think I will check them both out at Wiki and Youtube!

    This is even better Momoe! ha


    Never heard it before, I swear to Almighty God.

    Whoever she might be. hahahaha

    This is just delightful Momoe.

    Thank you for being my friend!

    Damn! hahahaha

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