The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age


    not of the Dagblog security system but of the Dagbloggers'  ability to match certain well known  individuals with the good fortune that came their way.

    List A : dollars,  in numerical order. 

    $1 971 554, 1 968 714, 1 488 706, 1472 789 , 1 399 698, 1 231 079, 1 015 173 , 1 012 980 , 820 375,  800 544,     707 084, 543 612, 450 095, 419 651 

    List B :people, in alphabetical order.

    Blunt, Buck, Burr , Cassidy, Curtis, Cotton, Gardner ,Hill , Johnson, McConnell , Portman , Roberts ,Rubio, Tillis, Young.

    No prize for guessing the connection  between the two lists . But that lucky   Dagblogger who  first  correctly connects the B  individuals  with their  A  dollars gets the right to ban any  future Flavius' tests from Dagblog for how long  he  or she chooses. 

    In the case of a tie the shortest embargo will prevail.


    OK. Let's get off the dime: Missouri Senator Roy Blunt $1,488,706; Colorado Rep. Kenneth Buck $800,544; next vic

    legislator North Carolina Senator Richard Burr $1,399,698 ............

    OK ,OK. 

    Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy $419,651,Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton $1,968,714 (ah yes  Arkansas. Lock him up? ),Colorado Senator Cory Gardner $1,231,076, and Arkansas again Representative French Hill, $543,612,Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson,$1,015,173,Kentucky's Mitch McConnell,$820,375,Kansas Senator, Pat Roberts, $707,084,Ohio Senator Rob Portman, $1,472,789,Florida Senator  Marco Rubio,$1,012,980, and let's not forget North Carolina's gift to the Senate ,Thom Tillis ,the NRA certainly remembered him to the extent of  a gift of  $1,971,554 Finally  alphabetically last of this list, Indiana's Senator Todd Young,$450,095.

    And since I included him in my alphabetical listing ,Utah's Representative John Young  seems very unlikely  have been corrupted by the  thousand bucks showered on him by the NRA. 

    With apologies  to the hundreds of our other Washington helpers  listed in.   Wednesday's Times but exceeded my ability to acknowledge here.

    Revised  Saturday  1 05 pm minor language change, numbers stayed the same