SleepinJeezus's picture

    These aren't MY Democrats!

    "This bill is short of what Congress should do, but it moves in the right direction, although it moves less aggressively than I would like to see it move." Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), after caving to pressure from Wall Street to cast the deciding vote.
    Please inscribe the above quote on the headstone for today's Democratic Party. The translation reads "This is all the reform that Wall Street (or the Insurance Industry or our other corporate owners) would allow us to pass."

    I want my Democratic Party back.

    Maybe it starts with a movement that promises a boycott of ANY company that hires Chris Dodd as a lobbyist. If the bastard wants to feather his nest for his "retirement," then let him. Just make it plain to him that we are going to set it afire once he makes his move to lie down in it. It just might send a message to the rest of these asshats, reminding them who it is they are supposedly working for. (hint: WE the PEOPLE)

    I WANT MY GOVERNMENT BACK! We NEED Campaign Finance Reform, and we need it now!

    The dilemma, of course, is that we will get all the campaign finance reform that the corporate owners will allow; that we will perhaps "move in the right direction" at best. In this lies the most pernicious, existential threat we have ever faced in this Democratic Republic - something even more substantial than the most wild-eyed terrorist might inflict upon us.

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