The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    (Noonan is on the lower right)


    In dubiously suggesting that Clinton wrote her own publisher's materials in order to accuse her of immodesty, Noonan ignores the reality that publishers typically offer extravagant praise for their authors and the books they produce. Indeed, Noonan's criticism of Clinton could also be applied to the Journal columnist based on publisher's materials for her own books.

    For example, promotional language from Random House for Noonan's 1990 memoir, What I Saw at the Revolution: A Political Life in the Reagan Era, is filled with over-the-top praise of the book's "timeless relevance" and the "spirited, sensitive, and thoughtful" Noonan:

    On the hundredth anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth comes the twentieth-anniversary edition of Peggy Noonan's critically acclaimed bestseller What I Saw at the Revolution, for which she provides a new Preface that demonstrates this book's timeless relevance. As a special assistant to the president, Noonan worked with Ronald Reagan -- and with Vice President George H. W. Bush -- on some of their most memorable speeches. Noonan shows us the world behind the words, and her sharp, vivid portraits of President Reagan and a host of Washington's movers and shakers are rendered in inimitable, witty prose. Her priceless account of what it was like to be a speechwriter among bureaucrats, and a woman in the last bastion of male power, makes this a Washington memoir that breaks the mold--as spirited, sensitive, and thoughtful as Peggy Noonan herself.


    Peggy Noonan is the antipathy of everything I love about women. I admit that I am a misogynist.  But I would vote for Hillary in a minute!


    And I must remind us all that, Peggy is a hypocrite.


    And Mediamatters called her on it!


    There are more terrible sins with regard to humanity that might trump or just overrule  hypocrisy.


    MACK: “It was a tactical plot that I was trying to get them to use,” Mack said. “Buttactically speaking, if they’re going to start killing people, I’m sorry, but to show the world how ruthless these people are, women needed to be the first ones shot.”

    I’m sorry, that sounds horrible,” he continued. “I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die. I would gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here.”

    But the best ploy would be to have had women at the front. Because, one, I don’t think they would have shot them. And, two, if they had, it would have been the worst thing that we could have shown to the rest of the world, that these ruthless cowards hired by the federal government will do anything.”...

    These Anti-American domestic terrorists in the TeaParty have taken the playbook from foreign terrorists like the Taliban who also use women as human shields.





    Sometimes I feel that human shields are prophylactics. hahahahah


    I spelled it right!


    I am lost sometimes.


    I mean I once 'believed' in some stuff and now I am lost.


    This was not going to be the focus of this blog, but...I lose focus at times. Maybe I have some psychological malfunction.


    But damn!


    You watch or read about other folks lying, the folks that have a real voice in this mystical computer age and all you can do is read Mediamatters?


    I mean, Noonan's rant on Hillary is hilarious as soon as you read her own publicists' credos at the times that she published her own rotten lying books.


    I want to swear and advocate 1940's Germanic assaults on this idiot woman.


    I don't get it?


    How many emails or other communications do Rush and Hannity and all the other fascist communicators get calling them NAZI's or fascists or whatever and yet all of them just gave up and call all lefties NAZI's and fascists and whatever?


    I dunno.


    We have to find other ways of 'splainin' ourselves, I guess.


    Noonan is an idiot.


    But ole Peggy gets way more 'hits' than I do.


    So maybe Peggy wins?


    I am currently in a deep, deep depresion over all this crap.








    My advice, ignore Peggy Noonan.  The rest of us do.  She really is irrelevant.  I think the only reason they have her on Sunday Morning talk shows is because of her silly voice and jesters.  

    I am pretty optimistic about some the things the President is doing these days.  I am optimistic about Florida's midterm election too. 

    The GOP has been saying some pretty stupid and comical things lately.  Rinse and Spinn wants Issa to investigate Harry Reid's use of the tax paid Government Senate Twitter Account on a Fox News interview.  You know about things he says about Koch Bros owning the GOP.  What tax paid Government Senate Twitter Account?  LOL all day today on that one.  Twitter is free to any individual that wants to use it.  I can see the old ladies now that watch Fox telling their families about this being all serious about Harry Reid's miss using government funds.  The family unable to hold the laughter back long enough to explain things.

    Don't be depressed.  Just sit back and enjoy all the clowns and their stupid. 

    (whispering) "You know the men with the littlest priebus always throws the biggest fit over the littlest things." 

    Oh Momoe, I get so goddamn mad at times!

    You know back in 08' I wrote blogs about voting for both Obama and Hillary. hahahahaha

    I really did not care who 'won', I just wished to see this Black Man and Woman on the ticket. All I wished for was a Dem who would lead our nation with love.

    As I have written on at least two? blogs, Issa is a crook. I mean that sombitch has sponsored bills that simply helped his own business interests in Cal. God I hate that guy. hahahahha

    The biggest fits over the littlest things. hahahahahah

    I am still thinking about that little guy of yours who lost his special rank at school over Christ's 'savings'?

    Hope you are well?

    Take care.




    My little guy is going to a IB middle school next year.  We got his acceptance letter a couple of weeks ago.  IB stands for International Baccalaureate.  I will have to take him back and forth to school.  You have to be a good student to go there. They offer 3 different languages and heavy on math and science. We will see how it all works out.   

    Personally, when I really hate somebody, I rearrange the letters of their name in my head, until it spells something more... fitting.

    Like with Neggy Poo-Nan.




    I think it was like three days ago.

    I awoke to a winter wonderland.

    I mean the snow was thick and beautiful.

    It melted throughout the day of course.

    And I think our little pond will break up any day now.

    You know Q, just to be able to walk on tar and cement makes everything just fine with me.

    Oh and our Swallows or Ernes or whatever returned last week on their way to Superior and they are so white and beautiful.

    Which means the Mallards will arrive shortly!

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