Yay! Another 500 barrel oil spill! In Utah this time.

    With all love showered on that attention whore of oily disaster, BP, some of her slippery compadres have been feeling a bit left out recently. Well, Chevron officials got together and came up with a plan to rectify the situation: Dump 500 barrels worth of the good stuff into the Salt Lake City watershed.

    (via HuffPo)

    At least 400 to 500 barrels of oil spewed into Red Butte Creek before crews capped the leak site. Nearly 50 gallons of crude oil per minute initially had spilled into the creek, according to Scott Freitag, a Salt Lake City Fire Department spokesman.

    ...officials said some oil had flowed as far as four miles to the Jordan River, and into a pond in the city's Liberty Park, near where residents reported dead fish in their ponds.

    A crew was trying to collect and take birds to Hogle Zoo cleaning stations and other facilities, said Brad Park, zoo spokesman.

    About 150 birds have been identified for rehabilitation, said Jane Larson, Hogle's animal care supervisor. About 75 percent are Canada geese.

    "A lot of them are just coated from about the water line, but there are a number of birds that started preening and have oil completely covering their bodies," said Tom Aldridge, migratory bird coordinator for the Utah Division of Wildlife Services.

    Drill baby drill?

    Or maybe it's about time we put this one to bed all together and try something new.

    Blow baby Blow!

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