The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Genuine Question re: DNC MI/FL legal memo: If the 50% sanction is mandatory...

I haven't had a chance to fully analyze the DNC legal memo that is setting up the Rules & Bylaws Comm meeting, but a nagging question keeps popping up: --If the RBC can only reduce the 100% sanction re: MI&FL...

Change the Rules? Which Rules? A Framework For a Resolution?

OK, the Rules Committee is meeting (again?) next week. And, again, we are talking about "changing the rules." The question is, what were the original rules, have they ALREADY been changed, and can/should they be changed again. The following is...

Their Next Campaign Missive: "Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride"?

Today's campaign e-mail from the Nader crew carried the subject line:  "We Need Gas Money."  That was clever and cute... even though I hope he has to walk....

Obama Says NO to NC Debate, So How About a NEW Format?

  The Obama campaign's talking points about the debate refusal are that the debates are twisted thru the media's filters. So, why doesn't Clinton (or Obama) propose a NO-MEDIATOR DEBATE, where they question each other?  I think this would be...

Holy, Shmoly! 26%? What is up, Kentucky?

I'm not a big SurveyUSA fan (automated pollers bother me for many reasons).  I know it is a "red state".  I know Sen. Obama is ahead in pledged delegates, etc.  I know the demographics thing.  I know it is only...

TPM in real time?

Could it be?  It seems that comments are posting immediately, and my other article popped up right away, too.  This could be GREAT!...

McCain's Gas Tax "Holiday" More Like a "Safety Cut"

My Senator, John McCain, continues to flounder to connect on economic issues.  I think that his newest proposal for a gas tax "holiday" for the summer driving season is a good one politically - on the surface. Federal taxes are 18.4...

"The Fmr Presidents: Third Shoe to Drop?"

(apologies to Robert Smigel for the title ripoff)In the previous episode, The Fmr Presidents decided to create chaos in the 2008 Presidential campaign.Clinton:  Hey, you guys.  I've already been busy.  You're slackin'.  Here, let me show you one more time.  Y'know that...

"PARTLY vindicated?" I'd say that Clinton is FULLY...

 vindicated for using the story to highlight problems in our present health care system.TPM headline, with link to the NY Times vindication:

Clinton Campaign Suggests New Resolution to Florida and Michigan

On MSNBC minutes ago, Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson suggested that Sens. Clinton and Obama meet in the Capital's recreation complex and bowl three games.  The first would be a warm-up, at which each candidate would drink a pitcher of...



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