The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

LISTEN TONIGHT: Bachman, DeMint in Overdrive! Join the fun at 8pm Eastern!

I probably won't be able to listen in to this one, but it may be more fun than Obama and the religious leaders was yesterday.  I'm hoping that some of you guys may be able to pull some great quotes...

LISTEN NOW: Obama just spoke to thousands of religious people in favor of health insurance reform

Not sure how many of you caught this, but Pres. Obama just spoke (8/19, 2:30pm MST) to a conference call of an ad hoc group/coalition called Faith for Health/40 Days for Health Reform.  He spoke for seven minutes, 30 minutes...

It was HOT in Phoenix today, but...

...the kitty-corner protests were pretty well-mannered.  'Course, I didn't see the guys (civilians, anyway) who were packing the heat. I arrived a bit late to the convention center area (kids, work), and arrived at the designated protest interstection at the...

Michael Steele's Weekly We'll-Mislead-You-Now-Give-Us-Funds E-mail: More Bogus "Facts"

Just read Steele's weekly (he seems to have concluded that Wednesday's are good reach-in-your-pocket days) fundraising plea/hypocritical rant/bullsht "facts" e-mail.  More Republican Orwellian crap (what'd you expect?).  This time, he cleverly agrees with Pres. Obama that we should get rid of...

Mary Robinson: A Reasoned View

Today, Pres. Obama awarded Mary Robinson (among others) the Medal of Freedom.  Yesterday, I blogged what my interest in the news had turned up, and my concerns about her receiving the high award. This editorial from the Associate Dean at...

Links/thoughts on Obama's honoring Mary Robinson (and John Bolton's reaction)

I've been kinda outta the loop the last few days, so the headline about John Bolton slamming Obama for awarding a medal to Mary Robinson caught my attention. He was unsurprisingly bombastic, but he set me to digging for...

From Larry Flynt to Preschool - WHAT Is Happening To Our Society? A Sign O' the Times

It was less than three years ago that Larry Flynt opened up a Hustler Superstore in my neck o' the woods - an open, brightly-lit shop that agreed with the city's restriction of devoting less than 1/3 of its floor...

Re: "Fever Swamp" and (barely) in defense of Drudge (gasp!); BONUS: what about the gun-running cop???

Re: Josh's item titled "Fever Swamp" (7/1 3:49pm ET):   In (minimal) defense of Drudge:  He is just quoting the Houston Chronicle's headline, verbatim.  The difference: you can read the context easily underneath the Chron's headline, but you have to...

A Quickie Theory On the Side-Topic of Fox News' Chyron "Slip-Ups"

I skimmed a few discussions on a couple of sites about Fox News and its repeated "slip-ups" on labeling R's who (humanly) slip-up on the family values, and I've participated in similar discussions in the past.   A frequent comment seems...

Arlen learned from...

...Joe's experience in Connecticut.   If he hadn't watched Lieberman get ripped apart in the primary and then come back to win in the general - and, the lasting bad feelings that that resulted in - I think Specter might've...



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