The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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The Democratic National Convention, Day One

Yesterday's post, somewhat improved when I beefed it up at Daily Kos, got on the "most recommended" list, embolding me to try again with this little item, also crossposted at DK.If you were sleeping, on vacation or had to go...
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Questions for Debra Bartoshevich

What was it about Senator Clinton that appealed to you?Was it her desire to make an open ended commitment to remain in Iraq "until we win" whatever that means?  If so, you misunderstood her.Was it her belief that we ought...
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A ticket to ride

Cross posted from Daily Kos:During the early part of the endless campaign to succeed the worst president in memory, it was clear, even to <a href="">this idiot</a>, that Senators Dodd and Biden were the most knowledgeable about what this country...
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Georgia on my mind

This is something of a cross-post from DailyKos:It really isn't (on my mind) all that much, but the headline, though too obvious to be used, was still too tempting to be ignored.  Still, I think my grandmother was born there;...
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An uncelebrated anniversary, and, perhaps, for good reason

It was 34 years ago yesterday, and, despite its historical significance there was no mention of this anniversary, nor the obvious parallels between what we expect to happen this election year and the “liberation” that Americans of all political stripes...
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What's the Matter

What’s the Matter with Kansas may have been an impossible book to read, but its central point is unassailable: In a country filled with the profoundly stupid, emails spreading lies and commercials arguing ridiculous things, instead of debating our future...
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After last week’s adventure in craziness, watching my "team" descend into the same hysteria that Limbaugh and (I love Keith’s name for him) Bill-o the Clown propagates, I announced that I could not consort with the sort of seriously bonkers...
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The New Yorker arrives at my house and my drivel moves to the TPM cafe

My copy of the New Yorker was in my mailbox when I arrived home Tuesday night.  I have been receiving the New Yorker for about 30 years after reading Brendan Gill’s book about it, and deciding that my mother (who...
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The Glorious Fourth

I love the Fourth of July.  It may be my favorite holiday, and not because of fireworks, since I am neither a fireworks or bombs bursting in air sort of guy.  (On the other hand, the advent of the internet...
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Spitzer's money laundering

An STR reporting that the governor of a large state is laundering tens of thousands of dollars, even if a small amount for a drug operation or one of the typical reasons for doing so, must raise the eyebrow of...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogSeptember 1 Barth2514 years 5 months ago
Reader blogFriends Barth2314 years 5 months ago
Reader blogNine, Eleven Barth614 years 5 months ago
Reader blogDays of Awe Barth414 years 5 months ago
Reader blogMonday morning quickie Barth114 years 5 months ago
Reader blogHineni Barth014 years 5 months ago
Reader blogMy third "new home" Barth614 years 5 months ago
