The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

NIH research open access policy threatened

Here's an interesting bit that seems to have slipped through the cracks in all this economic panic.  It seems a rather important policy is under bipartisan attack.The National Institutes of Health, which funds the majority of biomedical research in...

American Marijuana Policy - an allegory.

A man walks down a sidewalk.  Another man says "Don't walk down that sidewalk, I'll ruin your life".  The first man, says "I've walked on this sidewalk my whole life, and I'm quite successful. You must be mistaken".  The second...

I take it back (update).

Well, I'm embarrassed to say that our new democratic congressperson in Idaho is one of the 11 who voted against the stimulus package.  I'm not sure what this means for my long-term support of the man, but today I am...

Burris - the truth starts to emerge.

For all of you who seem to think that Burris is such a decent and honest (totally rejected by Illinois voters time and time again) guy who would never engage in any sort of quid-pro-quo ... this just in. ...the...

Android Market expansions on the way.

Last night an email came in from the AndroidMarket team laying out some plans for the new year.  Thus far, participation in the Android Market has been sort of like living as a mushroom, so it was really nice to...

A totally off-topic note about blue dogs.

I've noticed Blue Dog Democrats are viewed with roughly the same level of disdain as Joe Lieberman and head lice.Up here in Idaho, we worked our butts off to unseat one of the worst examples of GOP idiocy ever to...

What About The Government "Bailout" Of Foreign Automakers?

FDL's Jane Hamsher has an article on Huffington Post (with this title) presenting an angle to the automotive issue I'd never seen before.  Apparently foreign automakers are already incentivized with tax dollars to compete with our own corporations.[in Alabama] We...

A Democratic Congressman from Idaho (as predicted).

Taking advantage of the severe mental defects (terminal GOPtardation) exhibited by the incumbent and a national party newly willing to give attention to ignored constituencies, Walt Minnick has been elected as democratic congressperson for the 1st district of Idaho.Congratulations to...

Republican robocalls in Idaho.

I just got a call from the robotic twin of 'ole Mittens Romney on behalf of our erstwhile gravity-hating congressmoron Bill Sali(ID-1).  It's the first contact in over a month and came from some committee, not the campaign.  I was...

Get ready for a democrat from Idaho.

I'm so excited I could just burst!  I have been watching my local congressional race - in blood-red Idaho and doing a bit of clandestine campaigning.  As I have mentioned previously, the congressional race in Idaho's 1st is way closer...



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